Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

The commotion behind me was overwhelming. His voice begging for me broke my heart into a million pieces. I didn't have the strength to leave. I felt so weak against his cries. Before I even knew it, I was sprinting back to the front of the airport.

"He's my hybrid!" I grab the attention of one of the officers. There was a slight panic in my voice as I gasped for air.

"Madam, do you have any identification?" I swiftly put out my card and shove it in the hands of the officer. After checking my ID the others let go of Jimin and walk back to their assigned posts.

"You shouldn't leave your hybrid alone in a place like this. This is just a warning, but next time he might be taken away," he says. I quickly nod in agreement and he walks away.

My eyes stick to the floor not wanting to face him. I no longer felt panicked, but instead the tension started to rise around us. Strangely, I noticed the pool of water on the floor dripping from above. My eyes followed up and I finally noticed how soaked he was from the pouring rain outside. His clothes stuck firmly to his body as he shivered a little.

"You're wet," I say matter of factly.

"Y/n I need to-" he begins but I stop him.

I look up with my pained eyes, "Jimin please..." I take a step back from him, but he doesn't stop.

"Let me explain everything. Just don't go." He pleads. I bite my lip silently while thinking for a second.

After a while I nod my head and I hear him let go a sigh of relief. I wait for him to begin but he silently shifts to the side.

"Could we...go somewhere a bit more private?" He mumbles nervously.

We end up walking to the parking lot. I held up my umbrella over the both of us, but we both kept a small distance from each other while still managing not to get wet. I looked over to him as he struggled to fit under the umbrella. The raindrops falling rapidly off the side ended up on his shoulder making him even more wet than he already is. I tilted the umbrella over to cover more of him.

"...thanks." his voice was as quiet as it had ever been. I didn't respond. As we approached the car he drove from my parents house, I made a realization as I looked at him confused.

"Did you get here by yourself?" I asked.


I furrow my eyebrows. How could he be so stupid. If the police caught him driving without an owner or any other human, he would've been locked up.

"That's illegal." Again, I don't say much. I had to remind myself I was still mad at him, but it felt so hard to not sound like I care for him. I do care for him. In fact I care too much and that's what hurts the most.

"I know.."

I bite my tongue to prevent me from saying anything more. We finally get inside the car, I turn on the heat hoping to get rid of all this wet coldness around us. I slowly turn to him hesitantly. His eyes catch mine and I can't help but find myself being lost in their deep swirls.

" can't explain everything right now," His words make me slightly frown, but he quickly picks up my expression, "I-I just need some time. There's a lot and I need to start from the beginning."

I thoughtfully agree and he begins. The day getting later and later as he speaks

"We were living on the streets," His eyes glaze over trying to recollect his thoughts, "My mother, brother, and two sisters. We were always running from something. Someone."

He takes in a deep breath before continuing. The lights from the lamps around the parking lot eventually seeped into the windows of the car. I silently observed his expression while he spoke. Hesitant and vulnerable.

"One night, they found us...hiding under a bridge....and they slit my mother's throat and skinned my siblings," His voice was a shaky, but he continued anyway, "But I was young enough. So they took me and they left the rest of them dead in the streets."

My heart dropped. I've never felt so much guilt before in my life but I stopped any words from leaving my throat. The mere thought of his family being murdered in front of his eyes sent bone chilling shivers down my spine. 

"They...," He choked out more words, "they did things to me. They taught me how to kill. They told me I had to fight. They'd hurt me if I didn't. When they thought I was ready, they shipped me off to places hoping someone would buy me."

I shifted a little in my seat. Things started to make sense, but it still wasn't the whole picture.

"The sellers hated me too. They'd starve and beat me until I couldn't feel anything." I hear the anger in his voice, "I...I was 16 when I was put on the auctioning block, and..."

I waited for him to continue but he hesitated a little. His expression changed so vividly. From coldness, to panic, to fear, to anger, and finally sadness. His life was a living hell even before he was my brother's. Pity filled my lungs but I held it all in.

"I thought he saved me from that place. I thought I was free, but when he bought me," he gritted his teeth, "...I couldn't fight anymore. I just couldn't. I lost every part of me that was left from my family. All of it was stripped away from me by that human."

I couldn't think of anything to say. There were no words to reassure him. There was nothing I could say to bring back his dead family or take away all the pain he had to endure. I felt my tears brimming to the surface.

"He.. *cough* he *cough cough*" His speech was interrupted by a fit of coughing.

Without even thinking, I instinctively pressed my hand up to his forehead. The temperature was skyrocketing and his body was shivering from his damp clothes. I looked closely at him with the minimum light inside the vehicle. His eyes were watery red and his cheeks flushed.

I start to panic, "Shit you're burning." I take off my coat and find a blanket I had stuffed in my luggage. Before he could even protest, I tossed my coat and blanket to him while turning the heat all the way up.

What was wrong with me? One second I was mad and now I'm making sure he doesn't fall even more sick than he already is. You're so stupid Y/n. Letting him stay in those wet clothes. He got sick because of you.

"Y/n-" he croaks out. His voice was getting more and more hoarse by the minute. It was already strained by the shouting earlier.

"I need to get you warmed up." I hear him cough again as I begin to pull out of the lot.

"Are you *cough* going to leave?" I stay silent for a moment.

I don't know Jimin. I don't know. 

Anybody else dying from Ap testing? No? Just me, alright. 

Thanks for reading!  ;) 

Inheritance - PJM ✓Where stories live. Discover now