Chapter 30 plus teaser

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Chapter 30

I throw my phone to the side frustratedly. The morning birds chirped and hummed this early morning, while I laid back on the swing we had outside. The white paint was nearly chipping off, yet the structure still held sturdy after all these years.

Ring. Ring. Ring.

Your call has been forward to an automated voice message system-

I groan, leaning my head back. From the corner of my eyes the trees rustled and swayed in the wind, a leaf nearly landing on my face as I slapped it away.

"Where the fuck are you.." I mumble to myself gathering my things and heading inside.

Just today I've called Hoseok ten times, only to be sent to his stupid inbox. The first couple of days I just called maybe twice or thrice unsure if I was bothering him or not, but now I am really worried. Everyday I try to reach him one way or another but nothing seems to work.

The only assurance I have is that stupid promise I made weeks ago.

"I'll be okay Y/n."

If you're okay why aren't you picking up my fucking calls!

I press the dial button again while sitting down on the couch. I lean back holding the phone above my head waiting - no - praying for it to get through.

"Your call has been forward to an-"

"Gahhh!" I roll over to the side in defeat. My eyes catch a familiar pair of legs sitting on the couch adjacent to me.

He's holding a book in his hands, staring into the words deeply, unaware of my presence. The tip of his tail lifts up and down repeatedly, each page he turns it gets a little more restless. I press the call button again, for what reason I have no clue of. It's just going to go straight to voicemail anyway. My lips let out a sigh.

"Your call has been-"

"Who are you calling?" I hear Jimin ask me, his eyes now on mine and not the book. I sit up from where I was, running my fingers through my hair.

I begin to ramble, "I haven't heard from Hoseok since that day," Jimin sets his book down. "I'm getting really worried now, I might call the police at this rate. What if the gangs got him? What if he's in trouble somewhere? What if he's dea-"

"..I'm sure he's fine Y/n," His tone turns cold setting me off a bit. Was he not concerned?

"But people don't just disappear like that. You'd think he'd call or I don't know send a pigeon. Anything!!" I pout.

A deep rumble resonates from his chest, "I think you should just leave it." I look up at him from his imprudent tone.


He crosses his arms, his tail a bit more active. I sat up in defense, surprised a little by his reaction. My eyebrows furrow slightly.

He looks me in the eyes, "My opinions about him haven't changed. He's bad news."

I scoff, "Bad news. What does that even mean? All he's been is nice and fun and caring and a good person. Are you really being serious right now? I don't understand where in the world you would get that idea."

I can feel my temper rise, but I force it down. He's entitled to have his opinions, Y/n. But you can't help just wonder..

"You just don't understand," He spits out, getting up from the couch and walking in the direction of the stairs.

I...I don't understand?

I rush up the stairs halfway grabbing his arm. He looks back at me in surprise, but stays firm.

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