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THE NEXT DAY had come around and lenny was not up for it. she was practically dragged out of bed by charlie, forced to get dressed and thrown into hours of useless lessons. for mr keating's english class, they were told to get changed into their gym kits, and meet him on the courtyard for soccer.

they walked across the field, charlie standing protectively behind lenny so that no one could look at her in an inappropriate way. she smiled gratefully up and him and pulled him in for a hug. now lenny's gym kit wasn't exactly school appropriate, but her ass was mostly covered by charlie's sweater.

it was grey and had a large 'w' on the front. mr keating walked ahead of them, a net of balls sling over his shoulder. "now, devotees may argue that one sport or game is inherently better than another. for me, sport is actually a chance for us to have other human beings push us to excel. i want you all to come over here and take a slip of paper, and line up single file."

charlie and lenny stood side by side, their hands clasped together. mr keating smiled fondly at the two of them. he began handing the slips of paper out, each of them having a line of a poem on it.

now mr keating gave charlie a slip, missing out lenny and moving to one of the boys. lenny's mouth was agape as she turned to charlie. he simply shrugged and threw an arm around lenny's shoulders.

mr keating handed his pile of papers to one of the other boys, telling him to hand them out one apiece. he stood at the front of the group, a soccer net behind him. he had told the group to run up, claim their glory and shout their poem, before kicking the ball into the net.

pitts was first, and lenny could practically feels his nerves. there were five more people before herself and charlie, and she wasn't all that confident. the four boys said their lines, and kicked the balls before making their way to the side.

it was meeks next, and he shouted the loudest lenny had ever heard him shout. it was now herself and charlie's turn, and they smiled at each other before joining hands and moving forward.

"now miss moreau, charlie. i gave you a poem to share because i do indeed feel that you are stronger together. you are the team we all aspire to be." the two sent a look toward each other, before preparing to shout their poem. "to indeed be a god!" mr keating clapped his hands excitedly as the two ran to kick the ball.

the two once again smiled at each other, charlie pulling her in to a quick hug. he yanked her off to the side, where he assumed their usual position. he was stood behind her, his hands are her shoulders and his head resting on hers.

it was no secret that charlie dalton was short, but lenny was even shorter. they made their way back to their dorms, lenny swinging her and charlie's joint hands back and forth. he let go of her hand briefly to speak to knox, leading her to stand with harriet in a comfortable silence.

they said their goodbyes in the hallway before making their way to their respective rooms. it was late, and their would be no study group that night. lenny laid on her stomach, the moonlight catching her skin in the most beautiful way.

she could feel charlie's stare on her, by now it was easy to know when he was checking her out. she simply smiled softly and extended her hand for him to join her. he lay next to her, their eyes fixated on the stars they could see through the windows.

they heard shouts from down the hall, someone shouting their names. they rushed out of the room to see what the commotion was, only to be met by neil almost headbutting charlie. "i got the part. i'm gonna play puck!" lenny wrapped her arms around neil tightly and squealed along with him.

charlie pulled her away by her waist, giving neil silent daggers. she sighed at her best friend, but she knew that she wouldn't change it for the world.



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