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THE ENTIRETY OF the student and staff body were gathered in the great hall for an assembly. they were addressing neil's attempt, and who exactly they wanted to pin the blame on. lenny could here dotty's sniffles from in front of her, the girl being comforted by harriet.

she and charlie were most likely going to be kicked out of welton, and lenny couldn't complain about that. she was the one who knew what happened with neil, if they didn't get rid of her then the truth would come out, and they'd all be screwed.

charlie wouldn't let his girl go without a fight, which would ultimately result in him being kicked out too. they didn't mind though, as long as they were together in the end. mr nolan was droning on about new administration of an english teacher, and lenny wanted to punch him.

she couldn't take it any longer. neil's attempt was being blamed on mr keating and the dead poets society, and she wouldn't stand for that. she stood up, climbing onto the wooden pew and staring towards where mr nolan stood. she turned to face the student body, letting out a deep breath.

she looked down to charlie, giving him a confident smile and looking back up. "tell me mr nolan, you drone on about how this school is so prestigious and strives for excellence, but you've only allowed three girls to attend. let's not fail to mention how your entire team of staff are egotistical males."

she cleared her throat gently, beginning to feel herself relax into her speech. "you are blatantly sexist. you tell me my skirt is too short, and that it will distract the boys. how about you tell your precious boys to concentrate on their schoolwork rather than the back of my thighs?"

"you tell me that if i continue to dress like a 'lady of the night', the boys will get impulses they can't control. how about you tell the boys to keep it in their goddamn pants? you see mr nolan, i've been quiet for too long. you only accepted me because daddy dearest threw some money your way."

"let's not forget how you refer to welton as a 'she'. last i checked, a building was an inanimate object, not a living, breathing human. but that's what you think of women isn't it mr nolan? that were objects. good for nothing but a good fuck and a clean house?"

she turned to face the student body, who were all staring at the girl in awe. "now i'm going to let you in on a little secret. women are so much more powerful than you give them credit for. if it wasn't for women, none of you little boys would be here. without women, humanity wouldn't have been able to carry on."

"so answer me this mr nolan, are we still as weak as you believe? you've told me that i will never succeed in this world, that it is a planet to be run by men only. well guess what. i'm bigger and better than any man you can find, and i can sure as hell hold my own."

"i'd like to thank you all for listening to me preach for equal rights for women. and i'd like to give a big fuck you to the sexist, egotistical, perverted pigs that are apart of the staff. a big fuck you to the sleaze ball who felt me up in the corridor, and especially a big fuck you to the old bastard leading the troops to impending doom."

she climbed down from the pew, flicking her hair over her shoulder and strutting down the aisle. she pulled her skirt high up, making sure it showed the bottom of her ass just a little bit. "do you like that mr nolan? or is too promiscuous for your liking?"

she continued her strut down the aisle, laughing as she heard mr nolan's pleads for her to come back. she simply raised both her middle fingers to the man and slammed the doors of the great hall behind her. she let out a breath she didn't know she was holding, and smiled to herself.

she was THAT girl.



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