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AT LAST NIGHTS meeting, charlie had revealed that he published an article about the dead poets society in the school newspaper. this made the boys practically shit themselves.

lenny on the other hand, didn't give a single fuck. she felt like raising her middle finger to mr nolan, along with the patriarchy. lenny was a feminist at heart, which is why her and dotty became friends in the first place.

she also kneed charlie in the balls the first time they met because he told her she had a nice ass. that's what bloomed her friendship with her boys. the next morning, they were called to assembly.

the topic of this mornings assembly was indeed the dead poets society. lenny was seated next to charlie, a telephone laid upon his lap. lenny asked a million and one questions when he first showed up with it, but he simply silenced her with a soft kiss and told her not to worry.

"in this week of welton's honour there
appeared a profane and unauthorized
article. rather than spend my valuable
time ferreting out the guilty persons,
and let me assure you I will find them, i'm asking students to step forward.
Whoever the guilty persons are, this is
your only chance to avoid expulsion from
this school."

lenny's knee shook nervously as she but her lip, alarming charlie. he placed his hand on her thigh, rubbing the bare skin gently with his thumb. he kept the phone held tightly in the other hand, his infamous smirk on his face.

the phone began ringing, startling lenny and making her jump away from charlie's touch. he stood up, pulling the phone to his ear. "mr nolan it's for you, it's god, he says we should have more girls at welton."

the boys all let their heads hang in shame, they should've known charlie would pull a stunt like this. lenny's eyes welled up with tears, she knew she shouldn't get jealous but it was hard when he was literally wanting to be around other girls.

dotty wrapped her arm around lenny's shoulders as the assembly was dismissed. she watched with sad eyes as charlie was dragged away by mr nolan. meeks came up behind her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders.

"he did it for me len. i saw the tears. i wanted girls here, not him. he's crazy about you. you know that." lenny nodded her head, sniffling slightly and patting his shoulder.

she made her way to their room, sitting outside the door and waiting for charlie's return. dotty and harriet sat either side of her, wrapping an arm around each of her shoulders.

they rested their heads on her shoulders, her kissing their foreheads gently. "i love you guys." she let a silent tear slip down her cheek, wiping it away quickly before anyone could see.

if charlie got kicked out, she wouldn't see him again, and that was a life she didn't want to live. she saw him come around the corner, his cheeks tear stained and red.

the girls moved their arms, allowing her to stand up and make her way over to him. before she could get their, neil stood in front of her accidentally, sending her a sympathetic smile.

"you kicked out?" charlie shook his head no, keeping his head low so the boys couldn't see his face. "so what are you gonna do? charlie!" neil shouted as charlie turned his back.

"damn it neil. the name is nuwanda." the boys all smiled, knowing their best friend was still the same. she nodded at the boys, silently telling them that she'd talk to him.

cameron tried to follow after her, before being pulled away by his collar with knox and meeks holding onto him. lenny walked cautiously into the room, closing the door gently.

she walked towards him, cupping his cheeks in her hands delicately. "hey baby." he moved his face so he could kiss the palms of her hands, holding them in his own.

"are you okay?" he nodded his head gently, pulling her into a bear hug. she took his blazer off for him, beginning to take off his tie and unbutton his shirt. she let him get undressed, pulling clean, comfy clothes out of the wardrobe.

she handed them to him , a sweet smile across her face. he thanked her as she turned around, allowing him to get changed. once he was done, he pulled her into another hug, this one making them fall onto his bed.

"can i just hold you for a while?" she curled into his side, kissing his neck gently. she heard his breath hitch and decided that would be a good time to stop.

"i love you lenor. more than anything in the world." she snuggled further into him, whispering a faint 'i love you too'.

for the rest of that night, the two slept soundly in each other's arms, as they've done many nights. but this one was different, this night meant something to the both of them. something they'd never felt before. contentment.



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