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IT WAS NOW the next day, and lenny was tucked safely under charlie's arm. she was making her way to mr keating's class, when a boy wolf whistled at lenny. he stared at her like a piece of meat, and her growing uneasy feeling made a hole in the pit of her stomach.

she flipped him off and began walking again, which he certainly didn't like. he latched onto her wrist, harshly pushing her into the wall next to them. she struggled to get free of his grip, hoping that one of the boys would come around the corner.

she lifted her leg to kick his knee, which helped him loosen his grip slightly, but not enough to let go of her. as if by magic, meeks came around the corner and noticed lenny's struggle, he shouted for charlie who rushed forward to him to see what the commotion was.

they looked at each other before nodding, both of them dropping their things and rushing over. charlie pulled the boy off of her, landing punches to his face and body. lenny screamed for him to stop, she'd always hated violence.

meeks shushed her and stroked her hair gently to calm her down, but to no avail. he knew that charlie was the only person she needed in that moment.

when charlie finally stopped hitting the boy, he made his way over to lenny, pulling her tightly into his chest and stroking her hair. he told her it would be okay and that he was here now, letting her cry softly into his shoulder.

he kissed the top of her head and pulled her away from the group and towards an empty corner of the hallway. he pulled away from the hug, swiping away her tears and kissing all over her face.

she let out a half hearted laugh at the boy's attempt to cheer her up, pushing his shoulder lightly. "there's that gorgeous smile." his words made a rose blush appear on the apples of her cheeks, but she simply shrugged his comment off and pulled him down the hallway.

he lifted his arm around her shoulders, making sure no other boys would go near her. she was glad to have a best friend like charlie, someone who could always be there for her. someone that didn't ask questions and just simply hugged her and told her it would be okay.

they caught up to the boys, all of them giving her wary looks. the girls were there too, dotty rushing to wrap her arms around the shorter girl. they pulled away and signalled for harriet to get in on the hug, for she was now their best friend too.

the three girls hugged and laugh until the bell rang, and they made their way their english class. it was the day they'd read their poems aloud in front of the class, and lenny's heart ached for todd. she knew how difficult it would be for him, not really much of a talker.

she assumed charlie's would be terrible, something crude and vulgar to match his personality. hers wasn't great, but she poured her thoughts and feelings out into it. mr keating's voice boomed at the front of the classroom.

he called knox up to read his poem, and lenny smiled expectantly. "to my sunshine. i see a sweetness in her smile. bright light shines from her eyes. but life is complete, content is mine, just knowing she's alive." is eyes caught harriet's as he ended, and lenny knew that the poem was written for her.

her babies had fell in love and boy was she happy. mr keating then signalled for lenny to come up to the front. "miss moreau, i'm sure you have an excellent piece of literature for us." lenny smiles gratefully at the older man, her lips curling up towards her eyes.

"you brought me sunshine when i saw only rain. you brought me laughter when i felt only pain. you brought me light in the midst of the dark. since the time we were children, playing at our favourite park." her eyes caught charlie's, who smiled sweetly at her.

mr keating gave the two a knowing glance, sending lenny back to her seat with a pat on the back. even mr keating knew about the two. it's a shame their so oblivious.



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