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LENNY SLAMMED HER hands down on the desk, standing up and moving beside todd. "sit down mr anderson. one more outburst from you or anyone else and you are out of this school." lenny rolled her eyes, sighing as todd took his seat again, dragging her feet slowly to sit beside charlie once again.

"leave, mr keating." the old man said harshly, urging the former teacher to leave the classroom so that he could attend to his lesson. but the dead poets society wouldn't let their favourite teacher go without a fight. up until now, the boys had all remained quiet bar todd, and it seemed as though they were in a losing battle.

she watched as todd slowly stood up, placing his feet on the desk and turning to face mr keating at the door. "o captain, my captain." lenny grinned, pushing herself up onto the desk too and uttering the same words. this was it. the moment she'd been waiting for. she was finally standing up for herself, and it felt amazing.

she looked to the other boys in the room, offering a hand to charlie, who stood up on the desk too. she saw pitts shaking, clearly debating whether or not to join in with the uprising, or whether to bite his tongue and abide by the rules. he chose the former. standing up on his desk and clearly speaking, 'o captain, my captain'.

knox was next, pushing himself slowly up on his desk and copying his previous four friends, standing proudly on his desk and smiling at harriet's empty seat. he looked towards meeks, the last amigo left sitting down. it wouldn't be long before the young redhead would be on his feet and joining the rebellion.

many of the other boys began to join in, the majority of the classroom now standing on their desks, smiling at the cheerful teacher hopefully, awaiting a thanks or even a solitary goodbye. lenny's hand was clasped tightly in charlie's, who only smiling lovingly at his future wife.

"thank you boys, and lady." the teacher smiled gratefully at the students, thanking them gracefully for standing up against the school system, and for believing what was right. now, you might think that this was a lot of hassle for one english teacher, but it was so much more than that. it was a bugger picture than anyone could've ever imagined.

they were doing this for neil, a boy who tried to take his own life because of society. they were doing this for dotty, a girl who almost lost the love of her life because of society. they were doing this for lenny, a girl who was pushed to the edge of her tether by society.

they were doing this for themselves. the ones who were left standing when the war was over. the ones who would fight to the death for their cause if it meant they could be happy. they were fighting against society, the one things that controls the whole world in their eyes. the thing that breaks spirits and crushes souls.

"o captain, my fucking captain." lenny held her arms out to mr nolan, raising her middle finger to the man and grinning at mr keating, who simply shut the door and walked away, satisfied with the impact he had made on his students lives. she grinned at todd, and knox, and pitts, and meeks, her best friends.

"we did it boys. we won."

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