Chapter 23

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Meg, Nat, Laura, Anna and I are walking to the dress boutique and I am dreading it.

I'm too lazy to try clothes on. It's easy to try shirts and all, but when it comes to buying pants, I just leave it, too lazy to try them on.

But I'm doing this for Stormie, who wanted to come with us, but she had some wedding planning to do with her fiancé. I'm wearing my loose pants and a black shirt to match it.

Wearing patterned pants takes a lot of effort that I won't be putting into; I just grabbed the closest thing I have to a plain colored shirt.

I mean, why would I spend money on a boring plain shirt? I want designs people!

"Okay so," Meg started. "you two look for dresses in your own style, and the rest of us will pick out some dresses for you guys to try on as well." She said pointing at me and Anna.

"Aye aye captain." I salute her with a smile before I walk over to the dresses section with them behind me.

We looked through the dresses, pointing some out and taking them off the rack every now and then.

"Oh my god this is so ugly." Anna laughed, holding up a dress with too much sparkles and ruffles.

"That dress is just offensive!" Meg made a face making us laugh.

I come across a very elegant and beautiful gold dress, and I find it in Anna's size, knowing it would look amazing on her. 

"Anna, I got you something!" I exclaimed, admiring the dress. She walked over to me to see the dress I picked out for her and gasped, seeing the design of the dress. It had a sweetheart neckline, and the fabric was like a thick lace-like design, and it shimmered in the light.

"Oh my god I love this!" She took it and held it with the rest of the dresses she had picked out. "I have the perfect shoes for it too!"

"I think it's time you two try on your dresses." Laura grinned sheepishly, holding a bunch of dresses in her hand.

Oh this is gonna be hell.

"Fashion show time!" Nat grinned as we walked over to the fitting rooms. Meg handed me the dresses meant for me, and Laura handed Anna her dresses before we got shoved into the rooms to try them on.

Cue dramatic montage with music in the background.

I decide to start with a black knee length dress that had a sparkly top and tight skirt, with a silver belt around the waist.

I walked out to show the girls and they liked it, but I didn't. I'm not really comfortable in tight clothing.

I walked back in and picked out the next dress, which was a sky blue strapless dress with a floral belt and frilly skirt that ended just above my knees.

"Girl, that looks amazing!" Nat exclaimed. 

"Punny too." Laura added and I laughed.

"Yeah but it's uncomfortable around the..uhh...this." I say gesturing to the chest area. "It's too small, and if I get a bigger size then it'll look bad."

Anna finished trying her dresses on before me since I tend to have trouble getting dresses on.

I walk back in and try two more dresses before I finally get to the one I picked out myself. A purple dress that was well fitted in all the right places and had a frilly skirt that reached my knees and had a crystal piece in the center of the waistline. The top was detailed with lace on top of the fabric and had gems in the center of the flowers. The lace made up the sleeves of the top as it covered my chest and back as the normal fabric was sewn into a strapless design. 

I actually really loved it.

I walked out confidently and twirled for the girls to see the dress from all angles.

"I think this is the winner." I smiled, admiring the dress.

"You seriously look like a princess!" Meg squealed.

"And if you let down your hair and curl it, it would look insane!" Anna agreed.

"Yeah, girl. I have some pretty strong competition now." Laura laughed. "Which dress are you going with, Anna?"

"The gold one Sky picked out." She smiled.

"You're going to steal everyone's hearts, girl." I grin at her.

We change back into our own clothes and then pay for our dresses, then go to the mall cafeteria to get ourselves some food. I get myself some sweet and sour chicken while Laura gets sushi, Meg gets a sub, Nat gets some Indian food that I don't know how to pronounce and Anna gets a burger and fries.

We chat about how we'll accessorize our dresses at the wedding and agree on what nail designs I'd do for everyone. Nat and I also share some game plans about next week's game, where we'll play against two schools since it's the championship finals.

"Sky, I want to ask you a question and be honest with me." Meg states and I nod, waiting for her to continue. "Do you like Peter?"

"No." I chuckle and shake my head. Then I remember how I blush easily around him and how easily he became our friend and how comfortable I kind of am around him. "Actually, I don't know. I might, but I wouldn't know..."

"You're a writer; shouldn't you know what it feels like?"

"I know how to describe it in writing from what I read in other books," I explain. "but I don't know if that is what I'm feeling. I don't know if I get butterflies around him sometimes or if I just have to pee."

Laura snorts, almost choking on her drink when she heard what I said and I can't help but laugh either.

"Man I'm glad Taybh isn't here or that soda would've been all over me right now." I laugh as I recall many memories of the same incident.

"You're changing the subject." Nat pointed out with a smirk.

"Point is, I don't know." I said. "And I'm not going to think about it much, it'll only make things awkward. I'm not exactly one to believe in instant love, so I highly doubt that I like him or that he likes me."

"Why do you think that?" Meg asks with a frown, hearing the tone of my voice.

"I'm not exactly...a likable person? It's just that I'm literally the only one I know who hasn't had anyone like her. I've pretty much been avoided by everyone because I used to be fat, except my friends of course. But like I said, I'm just not that type of girl that people like in that way. I'm stubborn and not that smart or pretty. But that doesn't bother me, because when one day someone somehow likes me, I'll know they like me for me."

"Sky, you are so lovable you don't even know!" Meg reaches her hand out to put it on mine. "Look, guys are usually dumbasses; don't let that bring you down."

"Don't worry, it doesn't." I smile gratefully at her. "I have the best friends anyone could have, I don't need or want a guy to like me."

"You go girl." Nat laughs, giving me a side hug.

"We're the potato clan." I say with a grin. "And you know what they say, fries before guys."

We laugh and put our soda cups up to dink them together as we cheer, earning funny looks from everyone around us, making us laugh even harder.

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