Chapter 23

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When I opened my eyes from the loud bang, I looked over to where Felix was and he had been shot. Changbin shot everyone in the room before sprinting as fast as he could.

"FELIX" We were all screaming his name. Blood was dripping down his chest. Changbin ripped off his shirt. Screaming Seungmin name.

His breathing was heavy and he couldn't talk. "Don't leave me, baby, I love you don't leave me baby" Changbin cried out cradling Felix in his arms. "Felix stay strong please" I cried out.

Minho found his way over to me trying to pull me away, I pushed away from him trying to go to Felix. "BABE, listen we got to go Chan has a plan to blow this place up we have to hurry, EVERYONE WE NEED TO GO NOW CHANGBIN ILL HELP YOU WITH FELIX GIRLS FOLLOW BEHIND ME," Minho says lifting Felix by the feet while changbin gets his arms.

Before we run out Han comes running in. He looks over and sees Jade with Haven. "She's gone" Jade whispers to him. "Jade I got her, we got to get out Hyunjin is almost finished placing the bombs," Han says leading everyone out.

"I love you" Felix chocked out. Everyone could hear it as we were running out. "Don't leave Felix we need you" Cassy cried. Felix was dying and everyone had known it. Changbin was crying loud. Felix was slowly blinking. Blood still oozing down his chest.

As we were running everything went black. Something had happened to all of us.

Chan's pov

What the hell is taking them so long. "The need to hurry" Anxiously waiting.

15 minutes later we finally saw them running out.

Kaylee POV

I woke up from the floor, we all did. We finally got to the car and the sight the 4 boys saw brought them to horror. "JEONGIN PRESS THE FUCKING BUTTON ONCE THEY GET INSIDE" Chan screamed. We were rushed in the car by Seungmin and Hyunjin. Once we got into the car Chan speeded off as Jeongin pushed the button. There was a loud bang and BTS mansion was gone.

Meanwhile, Seungmin and Hyunjin were trying their best to help us. "Let me get Haven," hyunjins says with his arms out. Han shakes his head "Shes gone". Jade and Han had streams running down there face. Minho and Cassy were trying to calm them down. I'm over near Changbin giving him hugs while Seungmin and Hyunjin try helping Felix.

Seungmin POV

He was already gone, I just had to wait to tell them.

Kaylee POV

Changbin kept whispering on how it was his fault. "Listen to me, this wasn't your fault he asked to be shot first he was trying to protect us" I soothingly speak as I  rub his hand. The stupid ass fight we had was on my mind. That could be the last thing I ever say to him or had a conversation about. Seungmin and Hyunjin are our only hope.

We were just about to turn into the house when a loud cry come from Seungmin and Hyunjin making Chan stop the car. "He gone" seungmin whispered but loud enough for all of us to hear. "NO, HE CAN'T BE" Changbin screamed. "I'm sorry" This time Hyunjin was speaking. Everyone just started sobbing. Changbin was screaming his tears all over Felix's dead body. "don't go, babe, I love you don't go, don't leave me" Changbin sobbed.

As we pulled up to the house everyone was quite. We had lost 2 important people in our lives. "What are we going to tell his parents" Cassy chokes out. "we have to tell her the truth she won't do anything to us," I say. I Was just hoping she would I wasn't positive. "Changbin and Cassy, I think we should go" I continue on. "Hey what about me" Jade and Minho complain. "Jade stay with Han, you two need each other right now and babe I have changbin I will be okay," I say hugging both Jade and Minho.

Changbin, Cassy, and I hoped in the car. I drove for Changbin since he was a mess. We all were we had just lost Felix our sunshine. He made everyone's life better more fun, exciting, and something to look forward too. He always made sure everyone was ok. No matter what he would be there for the people he loves. Besides that Changbin and Felix were the most loving couple, they brought all of us together. Felix was such a good genuine person.

We pulled up to Felix's mom's house full of guilt and sorrow. Felix's mom opened the door and stood at us in confusion as we all started crying again.



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