3. I talk with gods

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Percy POV

I managed to convince Calypso to come to camp with me. I wanted her to live her life after more than two millennia on her island. She was nervous about going just because she was the daughter of Atlas but changed her mind when I said that whoever messed with her will have to deal with me, and the rest of the seven. Calypso saved me two years ago, and Leo just recently. It was the least I could do to return the favour. Maybe her healing skills will come in handy.

As we were walking towards the elevator to exit Olympus, I saw a female figure standing in the middle of the pathway leading to the elevator just outside the throne room. My smile faltered as I realized it was Athena. 

I eyed her warily as I made my way towards her with Calypso. It was pretty obvious she wanted to have a word with me.

Probably because I was the main reason her favourite daughter got killed.

I turned towards Calypso. 'Go ahead Calypso. I'll meet you at the elevator.'

She nodded silently and walked ahead, Athena not even acknowledging her presence.

As I approached Athena, I saw the sadness in her grey eyes. At that moment, her eyes reminded me of Annabeth's whenever I was close to dying. I saw the same look in her eyes just before I blew up Mount Saint Helens, when she was kneeling over Luke's dead body, and when I suffered the curses of the Arai. 

I stopped a few feet away and dropped into a bow. 'Lady Athena.'

'Perseus.' Athena spoke softly. 

'Lady Athena, I am so sorry,' I started still bowing 'You were right. I was not enough to protect your daughter. I was...'

I was stopped abruptly when Athena gently pulled me up to a standing position and locked me in a hug. 

I was beyond surprised. I was not expecting that.

We stood there for a whole minute before either of us spoke.

'Don't say that Perseus,' Athena said when she finally released me 'I was not right. Despite being Poseidon's son, you are a nice man. You were by my daughter's side for five years. I should not have interfered with your friendship with her in the first place. You saved her life countless times, even jumping into...Tartarus with her so she could live. You were, and will always be, the only one I would consider worthy of being with Annabeth.'

Athena stifled a sob when she said Annabeth's name. I was on the verge of tears but I stopped them from escaping my eyes.

'Thank you, Lady Athena,' I said as I bowed again.

'No, I should probably thank you, Perseus,' she spoke softly 'I am glad that Annabeth had someone like you in her life. Your wish for the gods to see their children is the most selfless thing I have ever heard in my entire immortal life. I should also thank you for allowing me to see my children at camp.'

I shook my head. 'No need to thank me, Lady Athena. I did what was necessary for my friends to be happy. A lot of demigods feel a bit bitter that they have never even met their godly parent. I am sure the gods don't know their kids all that well either.'

Athena looked at me in stunned silence before her lips quirked into a smile. 'Please, call me Athena. You have earned my respect long ago.'

I just nodded in reply.

'You truly are a great hero, Perseus,' Athena said as she made her way to her palace 'Nice to see my daughter chose her friends well.'

I watched her retreating form as I thought over her words. Never in my life would I have thought I would get a hug from a god other than my dad, certainly not Athena! She hated my guts ever since I returned Zeus his lightning bolt because I was the son of her biggest rival. I guess being able to talk to an Olympian without referring to them with 'Lord' or 'Lady' was a huge honour. I honestly don't know. 

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