9. The Revelation

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Third-person POV

Artemis immediately flashed herself to Olympus, finding herself in front of her twin brother's palace. Apollo's palace also doubles as a hospital or a healing area for the citizens of Olympus.

And that's exactly what she had come for.

Artemis burst through the golden doors of Apollo's palace to find herself in a golden receptionist area. She turned towards the golden archway labeled 'patients' in Ancient Greek and tried to figure out which golden door the man that saved her Hunters was behind.

Apollo really likes golden things.

Artemis looked around the closed doors near her. She couldn't help but curse Apollo for not putting any name labels on the doors. Not that it would have helped anyway. Nobody knew the identity of the mysterious man.

Just as she was about to check every single door one by one, Apollo emerged from the door to her left, looking extremely relieved. Artemis noticed the blood staining her brother's white
t-shirt and jeans and was suddenly worried about the man, the first time ever in her immortal life.

Apollo went up to Artemis wiping his hands on a towel, cleaning away any excess blood. Before Artemis could open her mouth, Apollo raised his hand to stop her.

'Why was he at your camp?' Apollo asked coldly.

Artemis took a step back in surprise. She did not expect the defensiveness from her brother, defending an unknown man nonetheless! That made her suspicious.

'Why would you care?' Artemis said with narrowed eyes.

Apollo pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed, 'Sorry, Artemis. Just a bit stressed.'

Artemis' eyes widened. Apollo never called her Artemis unless he was serious or something really bad had happened. This caused Artemis to completely miss the fact that Apollo avoided her question.

'Are you okay?' she asked with genuine concern.

Apollo smiled at his sister, 'Yes, thanks for asking. Thankfully he's alive. It was hard to get the spear out without hitting his spine.'

Artemis scrunched her eyebrows in confusion. How did Apollo heal the man so quickly when he had such a serious injury? Even if Apollo is the god of medicine, he wouldn't have been able to heal the man that fast.

Apollo had only taken the man from her campsite a few minutes ago.

'Is he alright?' Artemis asked.

Apollo raised an eyebrow, 'Are you asking if a man is alright? Are you sure you're Artemis?'

Artemis glared at her brother, 'Of course I'm Artemis, you buffoon. He saved my Hunters, of course I'm worried.'

Apollo raised his hands in surrender, 'Okay, okay. Chill out, sis. He's fine. Well, at least as fine as someone who almost had their spine snapped in half.'

Artemis breathed a sigh of relief at the news. She tried walking past Apollo to check on the man but an arm reached out to stop her.

Artemis looked at her brother confused but he just shook his head, 'Not now, Artemis. He needs rest.'

Artemis shook his arm off, 'What is your problem, Apollo? You do know this is the man we were sent to find, right? Why are you acting so...protective?'

Apollo clenched his jaw, 'I can't tell you that.'

Artemis narrowed her eyes, 'You sound like you know him.'

The lack of reply from her brother confirmed her suspicions.

'Unbelievable.' Artemis scoffed. She walked into the room, this time without Apollo stopping her.

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