8. Saved

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Thalia POV

The attack the night before had almost killed us. We were really lucky that the mysterious golden-eyed man came before we were overrun.

We had replaced the tents that were destroyed in the ambush but the surrounding area of our campsite was completely annihilated, fallen trees and craters dotted the forest floor. I would have asked to move away from the area and go somewhere else but a lot of my Hunters were injured so we decided to stay put for the time being and rest up.

The infirmary tent was packed, well more packed than usual. The attack had rendered a lot of Hunters injured but thankfully, nothing too serious had happened.

I was in the middle of comforting a young girl recovering from a mild concussion when I heard my name being called from outside the tent. I recognised the voice and immediately headed outside to meet with her.

When I exited the tent, I was hit by a cool breeze. It was already early in the morning and Apollo was just about to start his journey across the sky in his chariot (read 'car'). I looked to my right and saw a twelve-year-old girl with auburn hair standing in the middle of the camp next to the campfire. She appeared calm but the panic in her silver eyes betrayed her expression.

'Milady.' I said with a slight bow when I reached Artemis.

'Thalia,' she replied stiffly 'What happened?'

I saw Artemis look around the campsite. She must have noticed the aftermath of the short battle and the lack of her Hunters walking around.

'We just set up camp last night when we were ambushed.' I said a little too quickly.

Artemis must have heard me because she raised an eyebrow. 'Ambushed?'

I felt blood rush to my face as I looked down in embarrassment, 'Yes, milady.'

Artemis ignored my red face and looked towards the infirmary tent with a hint of sadness adorning her facial features. 'How many?'

A small smile worked its way on my face, 'None actually.'

Artemis whirled around on me in shock, 'What?'

'You heard me,' I said smirking 'None.'

Artemis looked around the campsite again, confusion replacing her initial sadness. 'But how...'

I understood the question. Based on the damage to the surrounding forest landscape, anyone would expect at least some casualties. But there wasn't.

Because of the man.

'We were about to be overrun,' I explained 'They had about half of us too injured to fight and were about to kill us all until he came.'

Anger immediately flashed in Artemis' eyes at the mention of a man, 'What? Which man dares enter my camp without permission?!'

'Woah calm down, Lady Artemis,' I said quickly while raising my hands, defending the man that saved us 'If he didn't come when he did, you won't have your Hunters anymore.'

At those words, she immediately calmed down, 'Do you know who it was, Thalia?'

I opened my mouth to say something but decided otherwise, 'You should ask our new recruit.'

Artemis cocked her head to the side, 'A new recruit?'

I smiled slightly, 'Yeah. She's been waiting to see you since she arrived. She's ready to take her vow.'

Artemis nodded and motioned for me to lead the way. I walked towards her tent and led her inside to see a small girl about ten years of age with light blonde hair and brown eyes playing with Artemis' sacred golden deer.

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