7. Memories

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Percy POV

I reappeared in the place I have been staying in for the past four years. I staggered a bit when I retook my physical body, but it was normal after expending so much energy fighting so it was only a few moments before I steadied myself.

I walked over to the nearby kitchen table and reached up to take my mask off before putting it down on the table. I reached over my shoulder and unclasped the sword sheath from my back and placed it and the sword in front of my mask.

That was close, too close. It had taken me all of my willpower to not run up to Thalia and hug her but I knew it was for the best. Nobody else would get hurt because of me. Nobody else will die because of me.

I ran my hand through my hair as I thought about the events that happened a few minutes ago. I had gone to rescue a girl from her abusive uncle and was on the way to the Hunters' camp. It took a while to get there but we managed. The girl was not in the best shape when I arrived so I had to heal her and we rested for a night before continuing our journey. When we approached the Hunters' camp, I sensed multiple monsters hiding in the shadows near where the Hunters were about to set up camp. I told the girl to hide and wait in a bush before helping the Hunters exterminate the monsters.

I raised my hand towards the sink and called upon water to flow from the tap into the glass on the table. As I took a drink to replenish my energy, I couldn't help but feel something was wrong. For the past few years, I would learn to always listen to my gut, especially in times like these.

Now, my gut is telling me something big is going to happen. Something I'm not going to like.

What didn't make sense was the way the monsters attacked the Hunters. Monsters don't normally hide in the shadows and wait to attack. The second they see a demigod, they would charge and attempt to separate their heads from their bodies. The recent attack was planned, planned so perfectly that the Hunters would have been completely annihilated if I hadn't arrived on time.

Whoever planned the attack knew exactly what they were doing. The monsters had attacked when Lady Artemis was busy with her duties. They had used projectiles to surprise the Hunters, giving them no time to react or retaliate with their bows. More importantly, the monsters had used the Hunters' own tactic against them: ambushing the prey when they least expect it.

I sighed and pulled out a pen from my pocket before putting on the table next to my sword. I use my pen most of the time but I didn't use it when I was fighting earlier in fear of someone actually recognising it. I then took a black ring off my left hand and placed it next to the pen. The ring had helped me more than I remembered.

I walked into the bathroom and went to take a shower, my clothes still on as I continued thinking about the attack. The Hunters were not usually attacked. They were a formidable fighting force and monsters would usually ignore them or run the other direction in fear of being sent to Tartarus. This time, the monsters held little to no fear in the Hunters and had attacked them confidently.

Instead of turning on the shower, I willed water out of the sink and covered my entire body, using my powers to clean myself and my clothes.

Yeah, I'm lazy. Sue me.

After a good five minutes of thorough cleaning, I sent the water filled with dirt and leftover monster dust into the drainage and walked out.

As I walked to the sleeping area of my residence, I couldn't get one thought out of my head. The last time the monster attacks had been this coordinated was when we had the war with Gaia, and before that the war with Kronos. If I am right, we would have another war on our hands.

Remember (A Percy Jackson Fanfic)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora