Chapter 12 -- Scent --

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"Are we gonna talk..?"



As always silence comes first before talking. Levi asked me to come in his office but, now I'm here.. he won't talk. The night had already arrived and it's still soundless. The only source of light was the window. The full moon is a good reasoning to go out.

"I'mma head out." Turning around and walked to the wooden door. As i had grabbed the handle, Levis spoke..

"I didn't told you to head out. Sit down."

I turned around angrily and sighed that is sharped enough to poke the Captain's ass. I tilted my head and smiled at him. I let go the door handle and started walking to the chair. I sat down carefully as my palm rolled into a fist.


I slammed the chair handle while my eyes stuck into his eyes. I was annoyed at him, I keep shooting massless into his eyes. "Yes.. captain?"

"Stop calling me captain.. It's sounds like you're disrespectful."

"I thought you said that I need to call you "captain"..."

"I know.. Now it's sounds shit." He strictly said. I feel my brows twitched and my mouth smiled again. "Levi.. it is then."


'I swear if this silence had come to a another argument. I'm kicking my butt out of here!'

"LEVI! FOR GOD SAKE START TALKING!" I shouted. My anger couldn't hold onto anymore. It keeps knocking and knocking saying it wants to go out. "Erwin is right. Stop doing shit things Y/N." He starts.

"Fvcking god sake! That's just what you want?! Levi.. we already talked about this." I angrily said.

"We did." He said while his face was still blank. The cold air comes in and hugged me, the moon was looking at us.. watching every movement and every word we say. He started standing up and walking towards me. I couldn't do anything but breath. Glue my eyes to his eyes and just. Breath.

"You might die there, Cadet Y/N."

"I didn't."

"I'm saying you might.

"But i didn't.."

❀Levi's POV

Annoying. So fucking much cadet.

"Your telling me that you want to get yourself killed?" I simply asked. Her brow raised and sighed. At one glance, I knew that she was annoyed too. Can't help. You keep annoying me too, Cadet. "Did i said that?"

"That's why I'm asking cadet."

"..D-do I really look like that? Do you really think that I'm suicidal?!" She asked. Her hands were curled in a fist and ready to destroy shit. She looks like an ogre.

"Why ask me? Ask yourself, Cadet." I politely asked. I notice that her face relaxed and the anger that was built in her fist was slowly fading away. As she stands up and starts walking to me. She swiftly grab my collar and put her face in front of mine.

She smiled. Creepy as a titan, Y/N.

"Sorry.. Captain"

"Let go. Y/N." And her palm says goodbye to my collar. "Levi.. let me clear somethin..If I died, I died. I don't care if I died to some severe illness, abuse, or even eaten by a titan. I had helped the humanity, right? In fact, I'm a great help to the Survey Corps. People know me, even Zachary did. If i die.. I'll leave it to you then, Levi." She said as she smiles. The real smile. No anger or any emotions mixed with it. She just smiled.

Her eyes were smiling too, this is the first time I saw this shit.

"Didn't know you can smile like that.." I whispered.

"Pretty, right?!" She proudly said.

"Mhh. Pretty as shit."

"Don't add shit there.."

"Your dismissed, Y/N." I turned around and sat down to my chair.

"Your dismissed, Y/N.." she copied my phrase and walked away. She opened my door but stopped to tell me something...

My eyes widened with Y/N's word. She smirks and walked away. She closed my door slowly and silent fell.


"You smelled nice, Levi."

Eleutheromania -- Levi Ackerman x Reader --Where stories live. Discover now