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Faline blinks to find herself chained to a wall, her arms in the air and she turns her head to see Derek.

"What the hell is going on?" Faline asks.

"Kate," Derek says.

Faline looks up to see said woman and Allison walking into the room. The duo both squint as Kate turns on a light and Derek roars.

"I'm not going to heal," Faline says to Derek, her eyes glowing green and her hair streaking green.

"Oh, sweetie," Kate says. "You don't think I don't know that? Aren't they beautiful?"

"Allison," Faline says. "Please"

Faline tenses up as electricity courses through her body as she convulses from the volts coursing through her body.

"You know," Kate says. "I thought you'd put up a fight. But when I got to Stiles' house after you weren't at your own home, the Sheriff was asleep and you were too. I heard Stiles tell you that he was sorry and wanted to protect you from Peter. Then I knew he had drugged you, I hid as he left and then I took you"

Kate turns up the voltage on Faline and she screams.

"What are you doing to them? Is that going to kill them?" Allison asks, looking at her friend in concern.

"Oh come on kiddo," Kate says. "Don't get all ethical on me now"

Faline screams as the electricity courses through her body.

"What are they?" Allison asks.

"You see Derek is a shapeshifter, Lycan. Werewolf" Kate says before laughing. "But Faline. Oh, Faline, sweet Faline. Is something a lot rarer and a lot better hidden. Faline is a witch. I'm talking spell casting, potion making witchy shit. You see you introduced yourself to Chris who knew your mother in school, your mother was a failure to her coven. A squib they called her, so she ratted all of the elders out to my family and we killed the Elders of the coven. All of the children were hidden away but then you, you introduced yourself and Chris knew who you were. But to me, you're both just dumb animals"

Faline cries out as electricity courses through her body.

"Leave her" Derek pants before roaring. "LEAVE HER ALONE!"

"Look here" Kate shows Allison Derek's fangs. "See these right here? These are canines also known as fangs. Made for the tearing and rendering of flesh. Not something you'd find on those cute little leaf-eating herbivores, is it?"

"This is a joke to you?" Allison asks.

"Sweetheart there are werewolves running around the world," Kate says.

"She's my friend!" Allison shouts.

"She's a monster" Kate shouts back. "I bet no one knows why you really moved from Ireland to here. Well, I did a little digging-"

Kate holds up a file to show Allison pictures of a destroyed town.

"The official report says earthquake," Kate says. "But it was really Faline. How many people died that day? HOW MANY?"

"A hundred and thirteen," Faline says.

"All because you were upset over the death of your mommy," Kate says. "But sweetheart everything's a joke to me. How else do you think I stay sane?"

"Allison," Faline says. "I was young and I had no control over my magic. My mother just died and I was distraught-"

Faline is cut off by convulsions as Kate sends electricity coursing through her body again

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