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Scott, Faline, and Stiles walk up the steps of the school as Stiles tells Scott about the incident last night.

"So it's like eight at night and we thought my dad was at work," Stiles says. "So we start kissing and taking off clothes then my dad walks in"

"What would have happened if your dad didn't walk in?" Scott asks.

"Are you still a virgin or something?" Faline asks. "Or are you just dumb?"

"This happens," Stiles says, lifting his shirt to show Scott the scratch marks Faline had left.

"Holy-" Scott says. "Are you sure you aren't a werewolf Fae?"

"Yeah," Stiles says, nudging his girlfriend. "After that, we spent the rest of the night spooning"

"That sounds okay," Scott says.

"Yeah but I'm always a little spoon," Faline says. "Big spoon makes me feel tall, something if you haven't noticed that I'm not"

"How is it with Malia living there?" Scott asks.

"When she looks at us," Faline says. "It's like she knows we're hiding something"

"You mean Peter?" Scott asks.

"We've got to tell her Scott," Stiles says.

"Yeah I know," Scott says. "I just don't know how"

"Like it's hard," Faline says. "Peter's your dad, boom! Shell dropped then we run"

"Why do we run?" Scott asks.

"Because it's Malia," Stiles says. "She's going to kill us"

The trio gets to history class and are greeted by Mr. Yukimura. They sit down and get out their books.

"It might interest you to know," Mr. Yukimura says. "That some of history's greatest leaders have had to endure some pretty great failures. One you'll recognize from last night's reading failed in business, had a nervous breakdown, was defeated for both houses of Congress, and lost as vice president-"

"Did you do the reading?" Faline mutters and Scott shakes his head. "I know the answer but I didn't do the reading"

"Before he was finally elected as one of the greatest presidents that this country has ever seen," Mr. Yukimura says. "Who was he?"

Everyone but Scott and Faline raises their hands. Faline looks at Stiles who just winks at her.

"Malia" Mr Yukimura says.

Faline turns to face the girl and has to muffle a laugh at the highlighter in her mouth and turns back around. Scott's phone begins to ring.

"Scott phones off," Mr. Yukimura says. "Malia? One of our greatest presidents. Gettysburg Address?"

Faline and Stiles' phones both ping.

"Malia?" Mr Yukimura just sighs. "Does anyone else know?"

A phone chimes.

"I said phones off" Mr. Yukimura exclaims angrily.

"Dad that was yours," Kira says.

"Oh," Mr. Yukimura says. "Faline, call Lydia."

Faline quickly gets up and grabs her bags, dialing Lydia, and presses the phone between her ear and shoulder.

"Lyds what's going on?" Faline asks, stuffing her books and papers into her bag before walking out of the classroom.

"It's Derek," Lydia says.

"I guessed as much" Faline says. "What happened?"

"He woke up, freaked, attacked Deaton, and ran," Lydia says.

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