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Derek, Faline, and Stiles pull up outside the police department.

"Okay," Stiles says. "Now the keys to every cell are in a password-protected lockbox in my father's office. The problem is getting past the front desk"

"Derek can do it," Faline says.

"What?" Stiles asks.

"Stiles he's an extremely attractive male," Faline says. "All he needs to do is charm her and we're in"

Derek opens the car door.

"You're not going in there," Stiles says, grabbing Derek's arm. "I'm taking my hand off"

"I was exonerated," Derek says.

"You're still a person of interest," Stiles says.

"An innocent person," Derek says.

"You?" Stiles asks. "Yeah, right. Okay, fine what's your plan?"

"To distract her," Derek says

"Uh-huh, how?" Stiles asks. "By punching her in the face? Uhh"

"Heh, by talking to her," Derek says.

"Okay, alright. Give me a sample" Stiles says. "What are you gonna open with?"

Derek stays silent.

"Dead silence. That should work beautifully. Any other ideas?" Stiles asks.

"I'm thinking about punching you in the face," Derek says.

"As much as I'm loving this married couple argument I think we're on a tight schedule," Faline says.

"It's not a woman, she's just clocked out," Derek says, quickly peering into the office and both of the males look at her.

"Fine" Faline says, quickly rearranging her top and tousling her hair.

"Good evening," The man says, hearing the bell. "How can I help- you?"

Faline gives him a cute smile, looking up through her eyelashes and Stiles swoons slightly.

"Focus," Derek says, hitting him upside the head. "While you're at it put your eyes back in your head  and pick your tongue up off the floor"

"Sorry," Stiles says, raising his hands defensively.

"Hi," Faline says, biting her lip. "I'm Faline"

"Hi" The man replies and Stiles rolls his eyes. "I'm uh Kaleb"

"Um, I had a question," Faline says. "Um, sorry I'm a little - a little flustered. Sorry. I wasn't really expecting someone-"

"Like me?" The officer asks.

"Oh, I was gonna say 'so incredibly handsome' but yeah I guess that works," Faline says shooting him a dazzling smile.

Stiles and Derek sneak past as Faline twirls her hair around her finger and tilts her head.

"You see Mr. Stilinski said he'd give me a ride home tonight, is he in his office?" Faline asks. "My car broke down a few days ago and well, I just don't feel safe walking alone in the dark but I bet if I had a man like you-"

Faline places a hand on his arm and his breath catches.

"I'd feel extremely safe" Faline whispers and his eyes widen. "Especially with arms like these. Do you have a gun too?"

The officer nods.

"That's so hot," Faline says, her eyes wide as she looks up at him.

"You can go and wait for him in there," The officer says, nodding his head as he fumbles with his words and Faline grabs a piece of paper and scribbles down Derek's phone number with a smirk.

"Call me," Faline says before walking away. "That's what you get for pimping me out Hale"

"Where are they?" Faline asks, walking into Mr. Stilinski's office where Stiles was searching for the keys.

"I don't know," Stiles says.

"Oh, no," Stiles says when the pair hear jingling in the distance.

Faline runs ahead of Stiles, following the trail of blood. Faline bumps into a man and looks at his leg which had an arrow stuck into it. Her eyes widen and she begins to move back.

"STILES" Faline cries out before the man clamps his hand over her mouth.

Stiles turns the corner to see his best friend and the girl he loved in a chokehold of the Argent assassin.

Stiles pulls the fire alarm as they walk into the room with the holding cells. Only to find the door ripped off of its hinges and no Isaac in sight. The hunter is tackled by a wolfed-out Isaac.

"Which one do I put down?" Faline asks.

"The hunter" Stiles shouts. "No Isaac, no the hunter. Definitely the hunter"

"Phasmatos Somnus" Faline chants before clicking her fingers and the hunter goes limp, instantly asleep and he slumps to the floor.

Faline and Stiles hold each other as Isaac approaches them, snarling. Derek appears and roars at Isaac who cowers back, lifts his head to reveal he had shifted back to his human form.

"How did you do that?" Stiles asks.

"I'm the Alpha," Derek says and Faline moves over to Isaac who is trembling.

"Hey, you're okay," Faline says.

"Help me," Derek says and Faline nods, hauling Isaac to his feet and the three leave through a side door.

"When will the hunter wake up?" Isaac asks.

"When I reverse the spell," Faline says with a shrug. "So never"

"Isaac you gotta calm down or you're gonna shift again," Derek says.

"Hey, Isaac" Faline holds out a chocolate bar. "Chocolate makes everything better right?"

Isaac nods with a chuckle, taking the chocolate bar.

"Serotonin right?" Isaac asks and Faline nods.

"Now Derek will take you somewhere safe," Faline says. "So just lay low until we can prove it wasn't you okay?"

"Okay," Isaac nods.

"Be safe" Faline says before turning to Derek. "Look after him. He's your responsibility now. Promise me Derek"

"I will," Derek says. "I promise"

"Alright now go," Faline says. "This place will be filled with cops soon"

 "This place will be filled with cops soon"

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