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Stiles opens the hood of his jeep and both of the teens begin to choke on the smoke that billows from the engine. Stiles pulls his jacket over his mouth.

"You need to get a new engine" Faline wafts her face to try and clear the air.

"I know," Stiles says coughing. "It just costs a lot"

"That's what I'm getting you for your birthday," Faline says, continuing to waft the air. "A new jeep engine"

Stiles begins to wrap more tape around the jeep as Faline holds the roll of tape. Stiles is distracted from his jeep when he and Faline scream in pain as Donovan places a hand on each of their shoulders, the mouth on it biting into their flesh. Donovan begins to choke Stiles and Faline hits him over the head hard with Stiles' wrench. Then she hits him across the jaw harshly, causing blood to spray from Donovan's mouth onto her face causing her to grimace. Donovan falls to the floor and Stiles grabs Faline's hand.

"Go, go" Faline shouts, spinning away from Donovan.

The couple quickly begin to run hand in hand from Donovan. They run into the school and they both increase speed when they hear the double doors behind them throw open harshly slamming against the walls. They run through the corridors, skidding along the floor as their shoes were wet. They yank on the locked library doors. Stiles quickly scans his library cards before walking inside. They take deep breaths as they look around.

"Stiles, what are we going to do?" Faline asks her boyfriend.

"I-" Stiles is cut off by the accepting beep of the library card scanner.

The pair quickly hide behind a bookshelf and they hear buzzing.

"Stiles your phone" Faline mouths and the boy nods as Donovan picks it up.

"You dropped your phone," Donovan says. "It's Malia, should I text her back? You don't really know who I am do you, Stiles? Maybe you heard about my father. Did your dad tell you about him? Did Sheriff Stilinski ever tell you about the time he was still deputy and his partner got caught in a shoot-out? Did he tell you a bullet shattered my dad's T-9 vertebra? Went right through his spinal cord? Know what that means? It means everything below his waist is useless and not just his legs. I bet he told you some of it. But I bet he probably left out the part where he was sitting in a car, calling for backup while my dad was going in alone. Did he tell you that he was too scared, too much of a frightened little bitch to go in after him? Or do scared little bitches not tell their little bitch sons about their failures?"

Faline holds on tightly to Stiles' shirt as the boy's face contorts with anger.

"About how they put their partner in a wheelchair for the rest of his life?" Donovan continues.

The couple moves back into the shadows as Donovan walks up the library steps. They move back against the bookcase carefully. Faline shrieks in horror as Donovan's hand wraps itself around Stiles' throat. Faline grabs a pencil from the floor and harshly stabs it in Donovan's arm.

Donovan's hand quickly retreats before snatching Stiles through the bookcase. Faline comes up behind them with the encyclopedia in her hand as she raises it and swings, it makes a satisfying collision with Donovan's head which gave them enough time to get away. They begin climbing the scaffolding as Donovan screams angrily. He quickly scales the scaffolding and grabs Faline's leg and she tries to kick him off, shaking her leg harshly. Donovan yanks harshly and Faline shrieks as she begins to slip.

"Don't worry Stiles," Donovan says. "I'm not gonna kill you or your little girlfriend. I'm just gonna eat your legs"

Faline looks to see Donovan's eyes were bright white and she screams in horror, trying to shake him off frantically. 

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