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"I need to talk to Liam," Scott says to Faline the next morning as she gets out of her car.

"Scott, I'm still half asleep. Besides you are the last person he wants to talk to right now" Faline says yawning for emphasis before grabbing her coffee. "You kidnapped him and you think he'll talk to you? You're dumb Scott, at levels I didn't know were possible. I just need to drink my coffee and then sleep during study period"

"The corridor, he's in the corridor," Scott says, dragging Faline along.

"I want no part in this" Faline says, digging her heels into the ground but Scott just grabs her coffee and throws her over his shoulder. "Just because you have super strength-"

Scott follows Liam in as Faline tries to argue with him, students giving the friends weird looks.

"He's a scared fifteen-year-old boy," Faline says. "Just leave him be"

Faline spots her boyfriend at the other end of the corridor through Scott's arm.

"Oh god," Faline says.

"Liam, hey!" Stiles shouts before glancing at his girlfriend. "Faline nice to see you hanging out"

"That was terrible," Faline says. "God awful actually"

"We need to talk," Scott says.

"For the record, I'm against this plan," Faline says. "As you can see I don't have much choice either"

"Faline already told me everything," Liam says. "And she didn't kidnap me to do it. Both of you need to back the hell up, okay?"

"Can you just listen for one second, please?" Scott asks. "Liam, we're brothers now"

"Oh my god," Faline says, shaking her head.

"What?" Liam asks. "What are you talking about? We just met and you bit me."

"The bite" Scott begins. "The bite is a gift"

"Please make it stop," Faline says.

"Scott, stop," Stiles says. "Please stop. You, you, we're trying to help you, you little runt"

"Faline already explained to me, I told you," Liam says. "And right now I trust her more than you. Also, you kidnapped me"

"Just to clarify," Stiles says. "Scott kidnapped you, okay? I just aided and abetted"

"Liam I've gone through this before," Scott says. "Something's happening to you. Something big"

"Nothing's happening to me," Liam says, pulling off the bandage to reveal no bite. "Nothing that I don't already know"

Liam walks away.

"You two-" Faline says. "What is wrong with you? I had it sorted"

"He's my beta," Scott says.

"Who you bit, kidnapped, and then tackled down a flight of stairs. You're not winning any alpha of the year awards"

"Would it kill you to be supportive?" Scott asks.

"Yes, yes it would when you two are such idiots," Faline says. "Can you put me down now, all my blood is in my head?"

The group of six stands outside between the school buses, trying to make a plan for Liam.

"I'm not sharing my basement," Malia says, crossing her arms.

"The attic has about just enough space for me and Stiles," Faline says. "Otherwise I would let him share"

"It's my basement," Lydia says, looking at Malia. "And my mom noticed how you tore it up last time"

"Malia's still learning," Stiles says.

"We're going to use the boathouse for Liam," Scott says. "It's got support beams, we can chain him to one of them"

"But how do we get him out to the lake house if he doesn't trust us?" Kira asks, looking around.

"I say if it keeps him from murdering someone we just chloroform the little bastard and throw him in the lake," Stiles says.

"I'm in," Malia says.

"There is one person he trusts," Scott says, looking at Faline.

"No, no way," Faline says. "I am not doing this"

Faline walks through the corridors with Kira.

"I hate this plan"

"What's the plan?" Kira asks.

"You flirt with him, I stand to the side," Faline says. "And for the love of god Kira don't emphasize your point by dancing. Wait-"

Faline stops Kira and quickly arranges her top to amplify her breasts.

"He won't say no" Faline says.

The pair makes their way down the stairs gracefully until Kira falls, pulling Faline with her. Both of them make noises of pain as they collide with the floor.

"Fuck Kira. You might be clumsier than me" Faline groans and someone offers her a hand which she takes.

Faline looks up to see Liam's friend Mason.

"That was a nasty fall," Mason says, steadying Faline. "Did you hit your head?"

"I'm good," Faline says, moving her shorts to check her stitches hadn't reopened.

"You were the one attacked by the cannibal?" Mason asks and Faline nods. "Cool"

"Not the word I would use," Faline says before holding out her hand. "Faline Michaels"

"I know," Mason says, shaking her hand. "That sounded weird. I've seen you around, you're well known. I'm Mason Hewitt"

"Nice to meet you, Mason," Faline says.

"Time to go," Kira says, patting Faline's shoulder.

"Okay," Faline lets herself be pulled away. "You are something else, Kira. How did you manage to fall on the bottom step?"

"I don't know okay?" Kira says. "I just lost my balance and bam!"

"How did it go?" Stiles asks.

"Luckily Liam likes clumsy girls," Faline says, glaring slightly at Kira who blushes.

"Luckily Liam likes clumsy girls," Faline says, glaring slightly at Kira who blushes

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