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"Mine too..."

Sukuna yanked his hand away and chuckled. Megumi gazed at him in confusion until he realized what he just said. His face blushed as he felt so embarrassed and immediately turned around, covering his face with his hands.

"Now now, don't be shy." Sukuna chuckled, slowly reaching Megumi as the younger's still back facing him. "Let me have a taste of that strawberry then..."

Megumi doesn't know if Sukuna's teasing him again or not but just feel so embarrassed. He was lost in thoughts a while ago, the reason why he unexpectedly blurted out those words.

"A-Ah..." Megumi jerked in surprise when he felt pair of hands traveling down to his waist. He also felt Sukuna's body on his back and that made him more flustered. He's too stunned to react and all he can do right now is to look like a clueless dumbass.

Sukuna's arms wrapped around Megumi's waist and the older can tell that Megumi is slim. Well, it's not like he's complaining.

"Do you work out?" Sukuna whispered and Megumi felt chills all over his body. He suddenly felt hot as sweats began forming on his forehead.

Sukuna's chin is rested on Megumi's shoulder as the younger stiffened with the actions Sukuna did. Megumi's mind became blank as he can't think of anything at the moment.

"I... yeah, I do...." Megumi mumbled with his voice shaking. Sukuna lightly chuckled and Megumi felt chills again, tingling feeling in his body when Sukuna chuckled near his ear. It tingled his ear and that made him die again in embarrassment while Sukuna admired him for being so cute at the moment.

"Wanna work put together? I know you want to have muscles like mine." Sukuna teased and he immediately saw Megumi blushed. It was because Megumi's so embarrassed that his face became as red as a tomato.

"...no. Why would I? And I never said that I want to have muscles like yours." he retorted with his head lowered. He couldn't move even if he wanted to. He kept on thinking that he should move and get out of that room but his body won't just listen to him.

"Eh? I thought you want a body like mine?" Sukuna even made a pouting noise. He tightened the hug and as he unexpectedly heard Megumi's heart beating rapidly. He tried to contain his laugh because of Megumi but to think that the younger is behaving like that around him, he bursts out laughing and lets go of Megumi's waist.

"Hey hey hey, why are you nervous around me?"

Megumi clenched his hands into fists. "I am not. Maybe you're the nervous one here."

Sukuna lifted an eyebrow while his arms are crossed. "I heard your heart beating so damn fast. If that's in a race, your heart will definitely win." he teased and snickered but Megumi didn't even react nor even turn around to look at him. "Ugh... you're no fun, Megumi—"

"Don't call my name. I don't even know you." Megumi hissed and he's now scowling at his feet, clenching his jaws as he resisted himself from punching Sukuna.

"What? You're even calling me by my name." Sukuna scoffed and was about to leave. "I know why you're nervous around me anyway, aren't you gay—" Sukuna froze in his place when Megumi gawked at him, eyes filled with hatred. Sukuna won't get easily intimidated but Megumi's look right now can kill a person.

"Not gonna deny?" Sukuna smiled cockily. "It's sure disappointing to have a son like y—"


Yuuji's eyes widen when he saw how Megumi punched Sukuna's face so hard. Sukuna's head tilted to the side while Megumi coughed, clenching his hands into fists again before walking away. He didn't even notice Yuuji was there at the door as his vision became blurry because of his tears trying to flee from his eyes.

He knew it. Sukuna is evil but he's more than that. Megumi couldn't think straight. His thoughts are just full of Sukuna's words. He knows Sukuna has a bad personality and attitude but isn't it too much? He can't deal with that...

Megumi bit his bottom lip and didn't even mind anymore where his feet would lead him. He heard Yuuji's voice but he wanted to be alone. He felt like the world is really against him.

"So what..." he sniffled while he settles on the bench. "So what if I'm...i-if I'm..." his heart sank whenever he thought of it. He can't even say that word.

"Fushiguro? Fushiguro Megumi?"

Megumi's breathing stopped when a familiar voice spoke behind him. His heart calmed down and felt peace when he recognized the voice. His lips curled into a small smile.


"A-Ah...." Megumi wiped his wet cheeks and cleared his throat, trying his best to be a normal person since he looked like shit when he cries.

"Nice seeing you again, Gojo-san."

i do not trust myself.

sorry about this chapter but i had to (tho i don't even know what i'm doing anymore-)

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