♠️ Chapter One: The Beginning ♠️

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Delilah Mae's Outfit

Delilah Mae's Outfit

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Nineteen year old Delilah Mae Roux sat behind the counter of the Nook and Cranny Bookstore. With her love and admiration for books working here was heavenly. She would undoubtedly have a book in one hand, most likely an Agatha Christie or some old romance novel, and a cup of green tea in the other. The bookstore sat on the corner of a quiet little street off the main road. It was quaint and flowers of all types and colours adorned the exterior. The shop seemed to exert warmth and a homely sensation that could fill anyone's heart, it was a place that made one feel belonged. It wasn't an insanely popular place, something that Delilah loved but the shop had been there for years, so the older generations still waltzed in keeping the shop afloat.

Delilah Mae sat with her legs crossed, wearing her favourite suede pastel pink overall dress with a grey long sleeved sweater underneath which seemed to consume the small girl's frame and a pair of small, heeled shoes to complete the outfit. Her long brown hair was pinned back in a half up, half down hairstyle with a few loose pieces of hair framing her face. Delilah's deep brown eyes seemed to shine golden in the morning sun complementing her olive skin tone. The young girl wore a necklace given to her by her mother, one of the last remnants she has of her family. It was a simple silver chain with a small Delilah as its centre piece, a reminder of being her mother's little flower - she swore to never take it off. Delilah Mae loved jewellery and therefore to accompany her necklace silver earrings adorned her ears, beginning at the base and scattering to the top.

It was a Friday, which meant a half day at work. The morning sun was cascading into the room and shining on the old and new books making them look like diamonds in the ruff. The sun brought warmth into the shop pleasing Delilah greatly - the cold was not her favourite. The shop was quiet, the only sounds detectable were the birds singing outside, the slight hum of a melody from an elderly man in the corner of the shop and the chimes of the doorbell when a customer was entering. Delilah Mae had been working here since she was sixteen, after her mémé's passing Delilah was put into the world head first and often came to the bookstore as her own getaway. She became friends with the owners Mr. and Mrs. Kingsley, with her soft spoken and gentle mannerism, her sweet smile and friendly although extremely shy aura the couple was immediately entranced.

Delilah Mae has been thrown hardships in life. After losing her family in a house fire in France at ten years old, the young girl was sent to live with her mémé. She lost both loving parents and her older brother - very little was recovered from the fire, all that was left fit into a shoe box. Diagnosed with PTSD from the fire and suffering from social anxiety, her mémé thought it would be best to home-school young Delilah Mae. The first year was hardest for the young girl not only struggling with her family's passing, but nightmares of the tragic night never seemed to fade. Little Mae will always be reminded of the horrifying night that lived so vividly in her mind, if not from her memory but from the constant reminder of her physical scar which drowned the girl's right bicep. But little by little Delilah Mae immersed herself in her mémé's love and slowly began to grow.

Delilah has always loved books and was a quiet child spending most of her free time indoors or on the porch swing to absorbed in the fictional world then the one around her. After four wonderful and loved filled years with her mémé, she passed from a hereditary heart illness. As she was the only known and living relative Delilah Mae was sent to an orphanage and the chaotic world she had been sheltered from started to enter her life. Delilah Mae was one of the oldest at the orphanage, so she helped with the little ones, either reading, cooking or playing games - she was better at making friends with the little girls in the orphanage than at school. Public school was a new experience, Delilah Mae kept to herself and focused on her studies. She went to the bookstore every day after school and hid in a small corner reading the old, returned books. It was only when she was sixteen years old that Delilah Mae bumped into Amelia Pond striking an unlikely but unbreakable bond.

The fiery red head and gentle brunette became fast friends, eventually calling each other sisters. Amelia noted Delilah Mae's shy and kind nature, never seeing someone so purely genuine before became determined to protect the slightly younger girl. Soon after graduation Delilah Mae moved into the Pond household where both girls shared laughter, love and basked in each other's warmth. Amelia confided in Delilah Mae telling her all about her imaginary friend in the magic blue box and not once did Delilah doubt her. She always believed Amelia, as she was one for fairy tales herself and hoped one day Amelia's imaginary friend would come back to her.

On Delilah's eighteen birthday, she awoke to an extraordinary pain erupting on the inner side of her left wrist. It felt as though her wrist was on fire, tears leaked out of her eyes and slide down her now crimson chubby cheeks. But after a few moments the pain was gone now in its place was a marking, a tattoo of sorts resembling the stars and planets above. It scared Delilah greatly and confided in Amelia, the two promised to keep the tattoo's origin a secret and continue their lives. Seemingly enough Amy did forget but Delilah couldn't, it brought her great fear about how it came to be on her but when she would touch it warmth spread through her body, it made her feel protected and safe.

 Seemingly enough Amy did forget but Delilah couldn't, it brought her great fear about how it came to be on her but when she would touch it warmth spread through her body, it made her feel protected and safe

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A/N Imagine the tattoo is on her inner left wrist


Time seemed to fly for Delilah Mae as she was already walking home from her day of work. With a slight skip in her step she enjoyed the warmth of the sun on her skin and the way her dress swayed in the wind. Coming up to her home Delilah's senses filled with the beautiful aromas of the flowers, but her enjoyment was interrupted by an itching sensation on her inner left wrist exactly where her tattoo is. She stopped and stared in confusion at the tattoo but quickly dismissed it and continued onwards. The front door was unlocked, knowing Amelia was home Delilah entered with a soft smile.

"Lia I'm home" she called out to her favourite red head, placing her bag on the kitchen counter.

On hearing her friend call out, Amy raced down stairs in her kissogram police outfit. Delilah turned around hearing Amy come into the room.

Out of breath, Amy rushed over grabbing hold of Delilah with a panicked expression on her face. Delilah saw this and immediately became concerned but before she could ask Amy whispered in a hushed voice "Lilah, we have a problem..."


I only own Delilah Mae and her plot.
First Chapter is up! I hope you all like it! :) xx
Thank you all so much for taking the time to read Sweet Mae! I really appreciate it!!

 First Chapter is up! I hope you all like it! :) xx Thank you all so much for taking the time to read Sweet Mae! I really appreciate it!!

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