♠️ Chapter Fourteen: Delilah Mae Roux ♠️

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Delilah Mae's Outfit

~~~Delilah Mae's Outfit

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Delilah sat in the jump seat as Amy walked into the Tardis, the Doctor, of course running about the console. Amy walked over to Delilah and sat on the arm of the chair. "Where to next?" She asked yawning halfway through her question.

"How about your bedroom," the Doctor asked but it came out as more of a statement. The Doctor's eyes quickly widened at the insinuation, a small blush covering his cheeks. He cleared his throat and added, "Both of you that is. Go freshen up and sleep, it's been a long day." He continued as he watched Delilah's head slowly bob up and down as she catches herself falling asleep.

Delilah couldn't help but agree with his statement, she hadn't felt this exhausted in forever. All she wanted to do was curl up into bed and sleep forever.

"It's a good idea Ames. We haven't fully rested since we met up with the Doctor. And that was two trips ago," Delilah added to the Doctor's thoughts.

Amy looked down at Delilah who was trying to stay awake, she let out a soft smile. "All right, but then we keep going." She eyed the Doctor and Delilah, pointing her finger at the both of them.

Delilah got up from the jump seat and stretched wildly. "Goodnight Ames, Goodnight Doctor," she yawned loudly. She heard a faint, 'Night' from both before retreating to her bedroom.

Amy bade the Doctor goodnight and went to her room, dragging her feet. Not realising how tired she actually was.

However, the Doctor stared at Delilah's retreating figure, he wanted to go after her. His mind still racing rapidly on how Delilah knew the Daleks. He wanted to know more. He wanted to know if she was alright, she was hiding so much in her and he wanted to be there for her. There were so many questions left unanswered.

Delilah headed into her bathroom and took a quick shower, she dreamed about being in the comforts of her bed. She felt drowsy as she stumbled putting on her oversized hoodie. Her head getting stuck in the fabric and arms flailing about helplessly as she tumbled out of the bathroom. Delilah huffed and tugged at the jumper, getting nowhere. She stopped abruptly as she heard a soft laugh emit in the room.

"Need a little help darling?" the Doctor asked bemused, leaning against the doorway. He walked over to Delilah and helped fit her head through the hole. Her head popped out, her hair a little messy and a small pout placed on her lips. Her cheeks were puffed out, making her look like a chipmunk - she looked utterly adorable.

"Thank you," Delilah mumbled slightly embarrassed as she fiddled with the sleeves of her jumper. "Is there something you need?" she asked the Doctor softly.

The Doctor nodded his head and guided Delilah to her bed with one hand on her back, "Actually, there has been something bothering me."

Delilah sat on her bed, leaning against the headboard with her legs crossed. A confused expression cast over her face as she grabbed a small cushion and hugged it on her lap.

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