♠️ Chapter Three: End of the World? ♠️

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A/N Delilah is wearing the same outfit as described in chapter one.

With joined hands the Doctor and Delilah raced out of the Pond household. Begrudgingly the Doctor let go of her hand to lock the front door with his screwdriver. Turning back to glance at Amelia he questioned, "Kissogram?"

"Yes, a kissogram. Work through it," uttered Amy feeling Delilah latch onto her hand. The Doctor didn't seem to like that answer, walking his way up to Amelia he invaded her personal space standing only mere centimetres from her, he stared intensely, "Why'd you pretend to be a policewoman?"

"You broke into my house. It was this or a French maid," justified Amy.

"Alright, both of you calm down, I don't think now is the most appropriate time to be bickering," Delilah commented softly not wanting to aggravate the situation more. Amy took a breath appreciating Delilah's comforting grip on her hand and questioned, "What's going on?"

The Doctor didn't respond he ran towards the Tardis in the opposite direction. Huffing Amelia ran after him dragging Delilah with her. Whilst following the Doctor, Amy yelled out, "Tell me."

Delilah and Amy came to a stop at a blue telephone box which the Doctor was trying to unlock. Delilah Mae stared at the box in wonder, it was dark in colour with chips and indentations along the sides. Displayed on all sides was a sign stating, 'police box'. She recognised it's appearance and recalled it was a police phone box from the 1960s, although has never seen one in real life before. It somehow looked to be old and new at the same time. She couldn't help but wonder why it felt hypnotising to her, it gave her the same feeling the bookstore did - a home.

Delilah's appreciation and confusion for the blue box was interrupted, "Tell me!" demanded Amy. Having enough the Doctor stopped fiddling with the door and turned around to face both girls, "An alien convict is hiding in your spare room disguised as a man and a dog, and some other aliens are about to incinerate your house. Any questions?"

"Yes," Amy hissed.

The Doctor turned back around to the Tardis trying to open it, "Me too." But the Tardis wasn't letting him in, "No, no, no, no! Don't do that, not now! It's still rebuilding. Not letting us in."

Amy and Delilah stared at the Doctor in worry.

"Prisoner Zero will vacate the human residence or the human residence will be incinerated."

Delilah jumped hearing the voice again. It was so loud and booming she could feel it resonating through her body. Delilah turned her focus around and saw prisoner zero at the window barking at them. She tapped Amy on the arm and pointed to the window, "Ames! We should really keep moving."

Amy snapped out of her trance when she heard Delilah and having enough she grabbed the Doctor with her free hand, "Come on."

But it wasn't that easy. The Doctor struggled against her pulling her back to the Tardis, only now realising that there was a shed next to it, one that shouldn't be there. He had crash landed on it previously, smashing it to pieces - something wasn't right.

"No, wait, hang on. Wait, wait, wait, wait," the Doctor said freeing himself from Amy's grip. Running towards the shed he yelled, "The shed. I destroyed that shed last time I was here. Smashed it to pieces."

Amy ripped here grip from Delilah and ran towards the shed causing the young brunette to slightly stumble. Reaching the shed Amy commented, "So there's a new one. Let's go."

Assessing the shed the Doctor rambled, "Yeah, but the new one's got old. It's ten years old at least." He sniffed the shed and swiped his finger along the wood to taste it causing Delilah to cringe, "Twelve years." Dread filled his body at the realisation, he wasn't six months but twelve years late. He froze, what happened to Amelia Pond. He stalked up to the policewoman feeling aggravated, "I'm not six months late, I'm twelve years late."

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