bloody hell!

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October 31st, 1981:

"Are you sure you don't want to come with me? I hate being away from you. Especially during times like this," Remus stroked Cerise's left cheek as she still laid half-asleep on their bed. He was knelt down on the fuzzy mat that laid across their floor. He tilted his head slightly so he could see her face a little better. She brushed her face against the palm of his hand before he stood back onto his feet.

It was a bright morning and Remus had just finished putting on a collared shirt. He attempted to tie his tie by himself but once he failed, he groaned loudly. Cerise motioned him to bend down near the bedside and so he did. She sat up and fixed his tie for him, and before he stood back up, she pulled onto the tie pulling his lips onto hers. He chuckled before leaning into the kiss even more.

"I know I just got dressed but I'll be happy to take everything back off," he mumbled under his breath. She pulled away making him wince before placing one final kiss onto the bridge of his nose.

"I'll be fine on my own, love," she straightened his tie out before patting it down into place. "Now, go off and do your Order business."

He frowned before placing millions of kisses on her face. "I'll. Be. On. The. Other. Side. Of. The. Country!" He stated between each kiss. She shoved her hand in his face, halting him from giving any more. "You don't even have anyone to keep you company," he mumbled into her hand.

She laughed before snuggling back under her covers. "Lily and James are in their secret hideout and none of us know where they are, Sirius is the secret keeper meaning he knows where but he's too busy with whatever he's doing, and Peter's been busy doing whatever he does nowadays. What do you think I do when you're gone? I may not have company but I do know how to entertain myself when I'm alone." Remus gave her a funky look before she slapped his arm. "That is not what I meant, you dirty-minded git. I meant that I'll be fine. Don't worry."

Remus stood up and sighed. "I still don't like the idea of Sirius being the secret keeper." He reached out for a comb on their nightstand and began combing his hair.

Cerise's face turned serious. "You still think he's the mole?" Remus opened his mouth before closing it again. He turned to his girlfriend who stared at him, before covering herself with her sheets. He sighed before pulling it off her face.

"I'm just saying, we have yet to figure out who the mole is. I'm still suspicious of him but I won't say anything since I trust him."

"He's your best friend."

"No," Remus said before squatting down to meet Cerise's face. "You're my best friend." Cerise jokingly gagged, making Remus flip her off.

"You've been best friends with the Marauders since you were eleven. You guys would never turn on one another," Cerise shuffled over to lay on her side. She wanted to believe that they wouldn't turn on one another, but deep down her theory about Peter grew more and more every day. She figured it'd be best to check up on him after Remus left to see if he was okay.

"I s'pose you're right," he grumbled. "I hate when you're right."

"Oh, I'm always right, love. That's how we work," Cerise said before yawning. "What even is the mission you're on for?"

"If I told you, I'd then have to kill you," he hushed before kissing her ear.

"Lame!" She retorted as he began to walk out of their bedroom door.

"I hope you have an awful time without me and realize how much you love me when I'm gone," he said as he slowly walked backward out the door.

"You're going to be gone for only a few days. Don't flatter yourself. In fact, I'll get a secret lover just to spite you," she hummed.

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