you owe me.

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"W-what?" Rosie shrieked. Rosie turned to Cerise and saw the smile on her face.

"I'm surprised you didn't figure it out. When have I ever wanted to go on a walk willingly?" Cerise winked. Rosie hit her in the side making Cerise groan loudly. Lily winced and immediately went to her side.

Peter sheepishly came out from behind Sirius and looked to met the Slytherin's eyes. She caught a glimpse of the boy and jumped into his arms. He stumbled back a little bit caught off by the sudden gesture. His face turned red as he hugged her back. The other Marauders began to howl. Cerise giggled while rubbing her side.

The group of students all collectively got louder and with that, the party began.

Remus moved over to the drink table and stood behind it, keeping track of the alcohol and making sure no fifth year and lower got any. Sirius went off to flirt with a few Hufflepuffs while James attempted to woo Lily. Marlene scurried off with Dorcas and Alice with Frank. Cerise forgot how much she hated parties. It was so much weirder than she pictured it to be. People didn't have parties as much as she assumed people would have before she turned 13.

"Cerise!" A familiar voice called for her. She turned and saw Flynn standing by a corner of the room. She smiled and began moving towards him.

As she pushed through the group of people she hadn't realized how big the Room of Requirements was. She understood it was supposed to be a magical room but she didn't understand why it was so special? Besides morphing into whatever the person taking care of the room wanted it to be, that person being James in this situation, it was just a room.

Nothing more, nothing less.

Remus gazed at the girl as she moved towards the Hufflepuff boy in the corner. He scoffed at the sight.

"Jealous, Moony?" A voice came from behind him. Remus turned around and saw his two fellow friends leaning on a wall. Sirius and James chuckled while Remus flipped them off.

"She can do whatever she wants, why would I care?" Remus said aggressively stirring the spiked bowl of punch.

"Why don't you just talk to her. Make a move, y'know?" Sirius said scooping a glass of punch into a plastic cup. Remus's heartbeat heightened as he saw Sirius's hand almost touch the punch in the bowl.

Remus sighed. "I've tried to talk to her many, many times. At this point, I'd be okay with staying her friend."

"Oh, c'mon, you know you wouldn't. Just do something about it."

"Like what?"

Sirius and James pondered for a while before James snapped his fingers together. "Have you used that liquid luck you made a while back? The one you made with Griff." Sirius contemplated with his idea before turning to Remus for his response.

"T-that's... Not a bad idea, actually." Remus said looking towards the entrance of the Room of Requirements. Remus sighed. "But it's all the way in our dorm."

"Don't worry, bud. I'll get it." Sirius patted the wolf's shoulder.

"I changed the bottle to a different container. I forgot what it looks like since I changed it a while ago but it'll be obvious since I don't have any other potions on my desk," Remus called out.

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