oh please, quit lying.

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Cerise neared the door of the Potions classroom with Lily before stopping herself, turning to Remus. She originally was going to try and grab his attention in a loud way but realized she didn't need to as he had already been starring at her. He quickly turned to stare at the nearest desk to him, which was suddenly very interesting. He felt her eyes on him and decided to look up and make eye contact with the black-haired girl. She brightened when he looked up and gave him a smile. She saluted goodbye before spinning around abruptly, being dragged out of the room by Lily.

Remus tried to wave back, but quickly put his hand down as he knew she wouldn't be able to see. He sighed, collected his books, and walked out before meeting 3 very loud boys coming down the hallway.

"Moony!" James said grabbing the boy's shoulder and moving him between Sirius and himself. "How were Potions?" He gave Remus a side smirk as he didn't actually care about the class, but about who was in it. Sirius caught on as he latched his left arm around Peter and his other arm around Lupin.

"Same old, same old. Papers of homework, which I should work on during free period, but I also have Transfiguration to worry about since I also have to do-," James nudged him before cutting him off.

"Ugh, we don't care about the bloody work you have to do, you're already good at literally every class you're taking this year. I wanna know about a specific girl that happens to be in that class with you."

"You mean Lily? I didn't really talk to her much." Remus raised his eyebrows at James. "Prongs, if you wanna know more about her I suggest being less you and talking to her more calmly-"

Sirius groaned loudly as he reached over Remus's head and shoved his hand into James's face pushing him back. "You two can talk about Evans later. I personally don't want you to talk about her, Moony. We know you have that class with little Miss Rein."


"So? So, Moony, we know you've been pining over her since first year." Peter interrupted, tilting his head forward to smile at Remus.

"That's a lie." He rolled his eyes. Maybe it wasn't. Maybe it was. He still could never admit to his feelings nor act out on them, due to his "condition." He was always good at hiding his true emotions, especially from his friends. He'd learned the perfect poker face ever since their 4th year, since even then his three pals never failed to prey on his private life.

"Mhm, whatever you say," James hummed as he roughed up Lupin's hair. "Just saying, the girl's fit. Won't be long before someone takes a shot at her." He imitated shooting a ball into an imaginary hoop in the distance.

Remus's whole persona stifled at the thought. He didn't have a right to be annoyed at the idea. Cerise was an independent person who could make her own decisions and definitely didn't need his thoughts weighing on her. It wasn't like she would even reciprocate any feelings. Who are you kidding Remus? No one would want to be with a monster like you. It'd be better to just be alone for the rest of your life. At least no one would get hurt. He sighed at his negative thoughts.

"Keep your own opinions to yourself. Anyways, you're acting like people haven't already tried with her. Every guy has either been rejected instantly," He eyed James and Sirius, "or didn't even get the chance to before Juno scared them away."

Sirius scoffed at the name. He remembers asking out Cerise throughout their fourth and fifth years. The first two times Cerise politely turned him down, as they were still strangers to one another. The next two times were harsher and quicker, bruising Sirius's large ego. He would've asked her out a fifth time if it weren't for her older brother, Juno Rein, stopping him and giving him a stern talking to. He instantly gave up after that.

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