suddenly i'm not hungry.

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Lily woke up feeling a person laying on her. She sat up to see Cerise lying on her stomach, a grinning smile on her face. They then heard a loud thud come from across the room to see Marlene slowly falling off Robin's bed while laughing as Robin silently swore to herself before she got up.

"Why are you two so giddy?" Lily said, her sleepy voice making her sound raspier than usual.

Cerise jumped off her and began doing a little dance. "It's snowing!"

With those words, Marlene opened the large curtains that hid their window to reveal a white sight across the castle.

The first snow of December, they all happily thought.

All five of the roommates stumbled to the window to look at the sight of the black lake iced over, with large flurries falling onto the forest and grassy area. One thing they all loved about their Gryffindor dormitory was how it was up in the high towers of the castle, as they were able to look down at the wilderness and the surrounding components of the land, adding to the little students walking around the Quad looking like small ants from where the girls watched.

Lily and Robin's attitude chirped up, as they rushed to their closet and picked out layers of clothing, while Marlene and Cerise watched as they were already dressed up. Cerise looked around searching for their fifth roommate but had no luck spotting her.

"Where's Alice?" She asked frowning.

"She stayed in Longbottom's dorm last night. Someone definitely planned something exciting since she left the dorm barely wearing anything." Robin called out from inside her closet. The other three roommates all ooo'd and ahh'd.

"Out of all us, Alice gets the most action," Cerise chuckled. "I'll ask her what went on during Charms."

"Let's see how she reacts leaving his room to find it freezing cold outside," Marlene giggled.

Cerise loved winter, as no matter how cold it got, you could always just put another layer on. With the hotter seasons, the farthest you could get was butt naked, but in today's society that would be considered "inappropriate."

She also liked the fact that no one would question her constant use of long sleeve shirts and sweaters, as everyone would be wearing something similar. Her hair had grown longer compared to how it was at the beginning of the year. She decided she would cut it over the upcoming break and for now would keep it, even though she rather disliked it. She tied her hair up into a messy bun, letting a few strands fall down in front of her face. She wore two layers worth of clothing; a cream-colored turtle neck, a large half-buttoned up dark green flannel over it with a portion of the shirt tucked into tan-colored cargo pants, a similar but darker color to her turtle neck. She fixed the belt that was around her waist, as her pants were a little too big for her, but she still managed to pull the look off.

Marlene sported a jean jumper, with a large white coat over it all. Robin came out with a rather warm look; baggy jeans with a white t-shirt tucked in plus a flannel tied around her waist. Cerise and Marlene stared at her strangely.

"You sure you're not going to be cold Robin?" Cerise asked.

"Yeah, I'm not going to play in the snow like I know you buffoons are. Don't want to walk into class soaking wet," She winked before sitting down on her bed, her long black curls fell as she fixed her bangs.

Lily walked out in an outfit that was more out of her style; Her luscious red hair tied back into two braids, wearing bell-bottom red jeans with a black-colored turtle neck, similar to Cerise's, but instead had red suspenders over her shoulders connecting to her jeans. She threw on a white cardigan before placing her arm into Cerise's, signifying that they were all ready.

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