what's that supposed to mean?

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I was listening to Juliet by Cavetown when writing this so i recommend ;))

———— ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ ————

Ever since that first winter's day the seven students have been inseparable. For the remaining time of their school year leading up to Christmas break, they've laughed together, ate lunch together, taken points away from their house together, everything you could think of, they've done.

The teenagers hadn't realized before but they've started to notice the number of classes they all had together. Pity their Herbology professor as they've created a stir almost every class period.

It's gone to the point where Professor Sprout has spelled each Mandrake to jinx any student that tried to pull them out of their pots due to Sirius and Marlene quietly sliding their friends' earmuffs before purposely pulling the Mandrakes out of their pot only to make the poor Hufflepuffs they had class with faint many, many times.

They've all dreaded having to leave one another for break, mostly Remus. Remus had been spending more and more time with Cerise, finding out more about her. Cerise felt likewise, as finding out more about Remus made her heart flutter, and every new little thing she found out about him made her find him more adorable.

They've spent every single day together, finding out one another secrets, but not the ones each of them wanted.

He wasn't complaining. He liked knowing her favorite flower was a hibiscus flower.

She liked knowing his favorite food was chocolate.

He liked knowing the reason she dyed her hair red was that when she was just an ickle third year she had run away from home after a huge fight with her parents and a robin flew onto her head.

She liked knowing that he wanted to be a professor at Hogwarts one day.

What Remus didn't like was how he didn't have the courage to ask her. It was killing him trying to get her to out herself as a werewolf. Why didn't she trust him? He figured she would at least slip up one day but she never did.

It ticked him off trying to figure it out while also dealing with his feelings for her. He'd sneak glimpses at her arm once in a while and see a large scar peeking out of her sleeve right throughout her forearm. He had no idea whether there were more of them or not, but they were clear as day. Remus fears Cerise has grown suspicious of him as she's gone from letting her arms rest on any table or desk she would work on during school or in the library to hiding them between her legs, and would grip the edge of her sleeve tightly whenever she would need the use of an arm.

Cerise noticed Remus watching her very closely the last few weeks and pondered on the reason why. She planned to ask the other three Marauders later in Charms class.

———— ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ ————

"W-what do you mean?" Peter stuttered before Sirius jabbed his ribcage. Cerise stared at them confused before continuing on.

"I always find him staring at me in such a weird way whenever we're in class, or-or whenever we're just studying!" She called out leaning back in her chair. James slowly stopped working on his assignment and held a tight grip on his quill.

"Moony's always been awkward when it came to girls, Bug. You're our friend. However, you're the opposite sex. You'll get used to it eventually so don't worry about it."

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