just like me?

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The moon peeked up from behind a mountain and shined onto the land. People in the quidditch pitch gazed in awe, looking at the beauty of it all, while someone else was facing something rather horrible due to its power.

Remus stumbled into the shrieking shack. His muscles ached and his eyesight went blurry. It was almost time, and Peter and Sirius were prepared to transform as well. He felt absolutely dreadful. His own human hormones plus the fact he was turning into something anything but human created a ghastly combination he was not ready for.  His flesh started burning. His pupils dilated until his whole eye turned black and they stayed that way for a few seconds, before going back to their original size but instead of his usual deep ocean blue irises, they turned into an intense yellow color.

With every tooth of his that grew sharper, he groaned and screamed.

Peter and Sirius looked at each other and nodded. Peter deviously smirked at his dear friend and waved before shrinking down to his animgus, accidentally falling in between the cracks of the broken floorboard.

Sirius bent down until his skin grew dark and hairy before his face elongated. He shook around finishing his transformation and revealing himself as a large dog. When Peter finally came back up from his fall, both of them stared at their friend, who was on the ground still screaming. Sirius stood in an attack position ready in case something happened, while Peter sat in the corner, hiding.

Remus's nails grew into large claws before one finally yell that triggered the rest of his transformation. His back broke into a larger spine, his legs largened into hind legs before his body turned from flesh into fur. His ears turned from human to animal, and they watched his face turn from their old friend into its inner demon.

They weren't scared of him, as this was a usual occurrence. The only person scarred at that moment was Remus, who's usual bubbly spirit hid in the shadows, as his conscience mind fell into obscurity, not knowing what was happening on the outside. The last thing he remembered was hoping it would be over soon, and as his brain went faint, he heard a loud howl, which he knew came from himself.

A howl that would always haunt his memories, reminding him that he was just a monster.

———— ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ ————

Remus woke up covered in a large blanket. He felt cold, injured, and weak. He got up slowly, looking around to see not only the two animagi that was originally there at the beginning fast asleep, but he saw a large stag sleeping peacefully, with a rat laying on one of its antlers. He smiled assuming the game had ended and he joined him mid-transformation. In retrospect, it was probably very dangerous and risky for James to do that, but he still felt grateful for it.

He felt grateful for having friends that put themselves in danger for him every month. He wondered why they hadn't backed out of it yet, since any normal person would. He felt a sharp pang in his stomach, and as he placed his hand on the burning parts of him, he felts deep cuts, his hand picking up his own blood.

He heard rustling from the corner of the room to see the three animals walking up from the heat of the rising sun. He saw the dog start standing on his rear legs before turning back into a human, a familiar face grinned at poor Remus sympathetically. The rat scurried off of the stag and grew larger, stumbling into a bellyflop onto the floor. Remus was able to stifle a laugh before groaning. The stag transformed as well, squinting around looking for his glasses before giving up the search and turning to his badly injured pal. Remus gave them all a lopsided grin before dropping his head down. James threw him over his shoulder, as they all rushed to Madam Pomfrey's aid, making sure no one was awake to see.

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