Chapter eleven

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Hayley heard the door open and she grinned, hiding the grimoire she was using with a simple spell and dashing downstairs, knowing perfectly well that it was the suited original brother who had returned

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Hayley heard the door open and she grinned, hiding the grimoire she was using with a simple spell and dashing downstairs, knowing perfectly well that it was the suited original brother who had returned.

"Now where is-" Elijah went to say, but ended up stopping when a body collided with his own and he was engulfed in the familiar scent of coconut and vanilla with a hint of apple- Hayley, he smiled and hugged her back.

When she pulled back her cheeks flushed slightly from embarrassment, "sorry pregnancy hormones." She giggled.

"It's quite alright." He assured the same smile still in tact on his face.

Hayley smiled back, skipping over to Rebekah giving the girl a brief hug and kiss on the cheek and doing the same to Niklaus, not aware of the effect she had on them.

"I have something to tell you guys." Hayley begins with the fabricated lie she had created, they nod for her to continue, "so.. don't freak out or anything but I've recently discovered, well recently being hours ago, that I've developed my own magic that I didn't have before- my best theory is that it's from the baby and now somehow I've gained the ability, I know it's quite far fetched but there's really no other explanation." Shes says.

The siblings stood in silence for a few moments processing the new found information.

"How did you discover it?" The Hybrid questions his eyes narrowed suspiciously.

"I may or may not have lit a pillow on fire." Hayley answers giving a sheepish smile.

"So my niece decided to make you a hybrid.. good on her." Rebekah chuckles.

Hayley laughs along with Rebekah, hands wrapping around her growing stomach.

"Another thing." Hayley brings up, "I'm also having visions of one way the future for all of us could go.. and, it's not looking so good so far." She says.

That wasn't completely a lie, she is having some visions but she doesn't know if it's because of the baby or her new found power and also with them believing she's having visions of the future she can give them instructions on what to do and different pieces of advice that will evidently help all of them in the near future.

"And you didn't tell any of us this before because..?!" Niklaus quizzes.

"I didn't want to worry any of you." Hayley states bashfully with a shrug.

"Not to overwhelm you sweetheart, but do you have any.. advice for us?" Rebekah asks softly and carefully.

Hayley looks up, "yes, a lot actually but one thing at a time." She states. "I need a lot of different things for a lot of different spells can someone collect those things if you don't mind." The she-wolf says giving them her famous puppy dog eyes.

"I'll go, I'm most welcomed in the quarter." Klaus suggests.

"Thank you, Nik." Hayley beams brightly.

"Your welcome, little wolf." He responded, trying to ignore how his heart fluttered every time that nickname left her lips or every time she smiled like that, or at all really.

When The Original Hybrid arrived back with all the stuff that the she-wolf and now apparently witch wanted, everyone assembled in the living room waiting for whatever Hayley instructed.

"Elijah, I'm aware you were going to give it to Davina, but can I please have the un-linking spell so I, myself can unlink me and the witch bitch." Hayley softly asks.

One look in Hayley's green eyes and he was a goner so wordlessly her nodded, speeding upstairs to retrieve said items.

After he came back downstairs and handed the items to the new hybrid, she smiled in thanks before placing them on the oak coffee table, the siblings watched as her eyes quickly scanned over the spell before she closed them, pushing her hands out in front of her, she chanted.

The knot from the table slowly lifted up, surrounded in a light red mist, the red mist helped unravel the knot, it still took a medium sized amount of time but eventually the link broke.

Hayley's eyes opened before they drowsily closed again, "can I have one of yours blood please." She asked.

Immediately they all bit into their wrists offering it to her, making her laugh, before she latched into Rebekah's seeing as the female original was closet to her.

After a few moments she pulled away, wiping the blood of her own lip and sucking it off of her own thumb, missing how all their eyes watched her intently.

"Right advice." Hayley starts, "first things first we want Davina on our side, we need to get the poor girl to stop using the ancestral magic and find her a more natural source so the harvests magic doesn't destroy her." The new hybrid says.

"I'll do that." Elijah volunteers earning a nod from Hayley in response.

"Secondly, this might be a shock but I don't have time to dilly dally, there is more white oak." Hayley says, throughly shocking them, "it's the little knight figure that Klaus- the one you made for Rebekah when you were younger." She clarifies.

Klaus sits for another moment or two before speeding of to, most likely destroy the little horse.

"Thirdly, I want to help you guys get your brothers from the dead- revive them basically." Hayley sates casually.

Rebekah and Elijah stare open mouthed and wide eyed at the pregnant hybrid, their expressions clearly portraying their shock.

"Wh-wha-what." Rebekah sputters over words.

"Yeah, I want to bring 'em back to life." The wolf-witch says simply, "I have had visions of the past as well, and I strongly believe that their deaths were unfair and uncalled for, especially Finn's and from what I've seen I do enjoy Kol's remarks, his humour and his madness all together so yes i would like to bring them back to the land of the living, it obviously won't be simple because of how complex of spell will be needed but I want to do it, or at least bring a 'ghost' version of them to earth were we will be able to see and interact with them for the time being, while we collect the correct ingredients for spells to preform and get them actually out of the astral plane known as the other side and fully onto the land of the living." She rambles.

Rebekah and Elijah, and Klaus who had returned and heard all of that, all sat in a heavy stunned silence.

"Ok, I'm off to bed." Hayley chirps drowsily, already off of the couch and halfway up the stairs.

"What a woman." Rebekah observes still shocked at the information Hayley provided.

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