C H A P T E R - F I V E

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V A L E R I U S '   P O V :

Ellie gasps as her green sucker falls to the floor with a clank. Her mouth forms an 'o' before settling into a pout.

I pick it up, tossing it out before grabbing a new one. A smile lights her face once again.

The door shuts and I look back to see Carlo come into the room with a clipboard. He smiles at Ellie, pulling up a chair and sitting across from us.

I brought Ellie a coloring book, suggested by Carlo. It's designed to keep her brain advancing and thinking. So, Ellie is busy sucking on her new lollipop as she colors, figuring out what color goes on what picture.

"Good news." My mood brightens. "All open wounds are closed and all bruises are faded! It looks like little Miss Eleonora is all healed!" I don't even try to hide the smile that embraces my face. My hand immediately goes up to Ellie's head where I brush her hair back. Her sweet eyes meet mine and I smile.

"You hear that Ellie? All better." My thumb rubs over her soft cheek.

"All better." She repeats. That's right.

Over the few weeks, Ellie's had visibly gotten better mentally and physically. Her skin has a healthy glow and her face if free from scabs, leaving only a small scar above her left eyebrow. Her personality is starting to shine through, she's becoming more comfortable.

She's beautiful. My beautiful girl.

Ellie goes back to coloring and sucking her lollipop.

"There are some more.. sensitive things I'd like to speak to you about." Carlo's voice pulls me out of my happy trance. "I'd like to have Ellie's urine sampled."

"What?" My eyebrows lift in confusion. "For what?"

Carlo sighs, setting the clipboard off to the side. He gives me a serious look, one I've never liked. It means trouble.

"Wherever Eleonora was, it wasn't safe." Obviously. "I'd like to take into consideration that she could have possibly been sexually assaulted.. or raped."

A deep billowing sense of rage fills my gut. I know it could have happened, it was always a possibility. Though, I never wanted to admit to myself that it did actually happen. No parent wants to think that their child has been fucking raped.

"The urine would only be to sample for any STI's or other infections. I don't think Eleonora would be comfortable with me performing a pelvic exam.. and I don't think you'd be either."

"No." I say. "No pelvic exam, she's a child— she can't. She's been through so much, I want her to have her privacy. So much has already been taken from her."

My throat feels heavy, like someone is clawing at it. I look to Ellie. Her body bends over as she draws on the paper. She's completely concentrated.

Just with one look to her, I feel relaxed again.

Carlo reaches into a mini fridge he has in his exam room and gives Ellie a juice box. I open it for her and let her have it. My tongue pokes the inside of
my cheek.

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