C H A P T E R - F O U R T E E N

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A Gift

V A L E R I U S '   P O V :

Water splashes my face as Ellie's hand comes into contact with her bath water. I want to get mad but I can't, it's too hard to with her cute face.

Her lips curve to a smile as she watches the bubbles wave along with the water, I find myself echoing a smile of my own.

"Tilt your head back, piccolina." I conduct softly and she complies easily.

I take the cup of water and pour it down Ellie's soft brunette hair, watching the bubbles fall back to the water. While I kneel on my knees hovering over the tub, Ellie sits it the tub with her eyes looking into mine. A big smile warms her face as she stares at me tending to her beautiful hair.

"What are you looking at, ragazza matta." Crazy girl. My words were gentle, playful. My adoration is hopefully evident.

Her giggles bubble through the air and I plant a short kiss to her forehead.

"I love you, papà!"

My smile grows wider, "I love you, Ellie." My words are full of the love I have for her.

My work ceases when I finish bathing Ellie. Her hair is washed and her body is bathed. My work is done and I have her stand up so I can rid the tub of water. I grab the fluffiest black towel we have clean and wrap Ellie's shaking body in it quickly to stop her shivering.

I pull her close to me and peck the side of her face with kisses. Her giggles make my heart dance. I tug her wrapped body to me.

"Let's get you ready for bed, sì?"

All I receive in return is repeated nods and a dance of excitement.

I'll never get tired of this.

• • •

Ellie gazes up at me in hesitation. She lays in her silk sheets, all ready for bed time.

"But what if there's monsters?" Her voice wavers.

Her fingers start nervously playing with her bracelet. She twists the braided strings.

My hands reach over to her from my spot on the side of her bed and tuck her covers into her body, making it impossible for her to get out. Safe from all of the monsters.

"Now, they won't be able to get you." I send her a comforting smile and lay a kiss on her cheek. "You are safe, Ellie."

"Promise?" A sly smile slips on her face.

"Promise, baby."

I lean over and plant a kiss on her forehead for good measure and let her do the same to me. She's discovered recently that she likes to give forehead kisses just as much as she likes to receive them.

"Good night, Ellie. . ." I sing out, standing.

"Night, papà." She speaks softly back. Her eyes begin to flutter shut.

Slight panic slams at my heart. Leaving her is always hard. It sounds crazy. I'm still here and she's not leaving our home but it still hurts to be away from her.

Ellie decided recently that she wants to be a "big girl" now and sleep on her own, much to my dismay. It's good that she wants to be independent. I should be happy.

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