C H A P T E R - F O U R

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V A L E R I U S ' P O V :

"Eleonora?" I call out when I can't find the girl. My nerves start to heighten, I try to shake off the feeling.

Fuck! Where did that little devil go?

Thankfully, I turn the corner and the small leech comes into view. She sits on top of the steps, knowing that it's time for a bath. Her eyes crinkle at the sight of me.

I sigh a breath of relief. "You little devil, I thought you ran off." A smile she was trying to fight spreads across her face when I pick her up to carry her.

I almost pause for a moment when her head meets my shoulder. It's like she's gotten used to this, gotten used to me. She sat on the steps because she knew our schedule. She waits because she knows I'll carry her.. maybe I do act like her papà. My body chills at the thought.

No, I don't.

Have I been leading this poor girl to think I'm her papà? Does she know that I can't keep her here? No matter my feelings about it.

I step into the guest bedroom and set Eleonora on the bed while I walk into the bathroom to start her a bath.


The shampoo bottle falls down and hits my head as I almost trip into the tub.



My eyes are glued open, my mouth parts in shock. I stand up straight and fix the bottle of shampoo.

"No. You're just hearing things, Valerius." I mumble to myself.

I swallow down the dryness in my mouth.

Now this kid really has it in my head.

I'm going crazy. I've finally reached my limit. I've finally lost it—

"Papà?" Her voice is soft but louder than before.

"You've gotta be shitting me." I kneel over the tub with my hands on my face. I laugh. "Fuck me!" My voice is low.

Gathering my thoughts, I stand. I put my hands on my hips so they won't shake. I can't believe this. I take in the sight of the small girl of the bed that is way too big for her.

"Ellie—", I pause. "Shit! No." I move and sit on the bed, she crawls over to me and sits beside me looking at me with those stupid eyes.

So fucking blue.

"Eleonora." I correct myself, looking at her soft innocent features. Fuck. Her chubby cheeks, her eyes, her pout. She's gonna get me killed. "No nicknames. No papà. No- None of this. ?"

I breathe in heavily, the bath still running clouding my hearing.

Please say you understand. Please say you understand. Please say you underst—

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