C H A P T E R - S I X T E E N

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Pent Up Anger

V A L E R I U S ' S P O V :

"Valerius, why didn't you tell us sooner?" Papà argues and roll my neck, clicking my tongue to the roof of my mouth.

It feels like I haven't slept in days.

"You know you can trust us, Val. We're family." Marcello chimes in with his eyes starring straight at me. They're all staring straight at me. Accusing me.

"I know." I say, taking my hands away from my face. "But I just found out I have a daughter and the woman I love-" I pause, "-loved died while giving birth to her. She-" I hold my breath, my voice gets caught in my throat. I force myself to continue. "She didn't even get a chance to hold her, Marcello. She was murdered." I bite the inside of my cheek to keep calm. "Now I have to figure out what to do about the fucking Russians and not only that but they're playing games with me now! Sending Katerina's necklace with her blood on it. They're fucking taunting me!" My voice cracks slightly. I try to pretend it doesn't.

"Valerius is right." Enzo speaks to Mar. "He needed time and you need to understand that."

"So, what happens now? Are they going to try and take Eleonora? Is she even safe at school?" Fabio questions, sitting up in his chair.

"We're going to find Ivan. He's planning something but he's messing with me first. I won't be surprised if he sends another one of his gifts soon."

"But.. Eleonora. Is she safe?"

My jaw ticks. I don't know. That's my answer but I can't say that. I cant accept that defeat.

I hesitate, "Yes." She has to be. She will be.

I may not be able to insure she's always safe but I would give my life for hers any day. I made a vow the first day I found her. I would die for her without hesitation. Though, that's something I won't tell my family.

They'd do anything to make sure both Ellie and I live through whatever happens. I'm sure, not every battle has a good outcome. Things don't always end the way you plan. Sometimes they never end at all.

"How can you be so sure of that?" Marcello asks on the brink of tears.

My jaw ticks. "Because, I've calculated everything Ivan could try and we are stronger, faster and bigger than he could ever imagine for his mafia. We have the power here." I believe what I say. I just hope they do too.

"He's right." Enzo chimes in. "The Russians will have to go through us to get Eleonora. And no one messes with famiglia."

The faint smile on their faces is enough to make me sure my Ellie is safe.

"Famiglia per sempre, eh?" Papà said to me from the other side of the table.

"Famiglia per sempre." I agree.

Family is forever.

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