Don't rush

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Shane's pov

I met Mike in the lobby so we could walk into my room together. I need Stacey to know we're a team and we are in agreement in our opposition to this not-so-blessed union. As soon as we entered my room, Stacey had her defenses up.

"I don't know why Shane dragged you into this, Mike, because it's not any of your business either." Stacey sneered at me to make sure I knew how little she appreciated me meddling in her affairs.

Mike's pov

"First, drop the entitled attitude, Stacey Marie. Despite being of an adult age now with a child of your own, we are not equals. I still put a roof over your head and support you financially but more importantly, I am your father and you will respect me, ALWAYS. Am I clear?" It's apparent to me ever since Stacey announced her pregnancy, which provided her clemency from any corporal punishment, she's gotten a bit too big for her britches. Now more than three years later, it's high time she's reminded of who's in charge here.

Stacey huffed and shook her head indignantly.

She crossed her arms in front of her, leaned back in her chair, and muttered, "Unbelievable."

Accepting her challenge, I stood rigidly before her and slowly unbuckled my belt, keeping my eyes on her the entire time.

"I asked you a question, young lady, and I expect an immediate and appropriate response in return," I reiterated sternly, as I purposefully removed my belt from around my waist, folding it over in my hand.

"Yes, you're clear, Mike. Clearly delusional just like the Admiral here," Stacey replied rudely, as she gestured toward Shane with her thumb.

I inhaled sharply through my nostrils and took a step toward our eldest before Shane stopped me by barking my name, "MIKE!" He obviously recognized the fury behind my movements and feared our daughter would soon be bearing the brunt of my anger.


"Apologize for what? I haven't done anything wrong?" Stacey asked in exasperation.

Shane shook his head in disbelief.

"Go ahead, Mike," he said, rubbing his forehead in frustration as he kept his gaze lowered.

I swiftly pulled Stacey up to a standing position and cracked my belt across her behind as I growled, "You may think you're a grown-up now but you most certainly haven't earned the right to question my authority over you." Pulling down her pants, I whipped her thighs as I tightened my hold on her arm.

"Ow, Mike, stop! STOP!" Stacey shouted, as she struggled to dodge the next stroke of my belt.

"I'm willing to have a civilized conversation with you but that requires respect on your part." I spanked our daughter repeatedly with a tenacity that ensures she will feel the effects of this long overdue discipline for the next few days as a painful reminder.

"Alright, I get it. Okay?" Stacey replied with edge.

I continued to lay my belt into her backside until she became much more repentant.

"I need to hear contrition in your voice." I spanked her hard, really hard.

Stacey cried out ripping herself from my grasp, "Aaahhhh! I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. Please stop, Mike." She immediately brought her hands to her sore bottom as tears slipped down her cheeks. "I'm sorry I was disrespectful," she finally apologized sincerely, as she gingerly rubbed her smarting ass cheeks.

Looping my belt back around my waist, I replied, "I think we both know you've had that coming for awhile. Don't we?"

"Yes sir," our oldest daughter said quite respectfully. Pulling up her pants, she grimaced feeling the friction of the fabric against her smarting backside.

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