It's not that deep

958 39 3

Mike's room

Julie's pov

No cap, Mike scared the shit out of me when he was like this. I swallowed hard and perspired even harder.

Shane readily gave Mike the belt.

"We're not going to discuss the sins of our youth or debate the validity of this chastisement, Julie." Without releasing his hold on my chin or averting his eyes, Mike wickedly slapped his belt across my rear end.

Despite wanting to remain steadfast, a small yelp escaped my lips. The pain from the severity of that stroke was undeniable.

"Shane and I have nothing to prove to you." Mike whipped the belt down harshly again, still maintaining his grip and gaze on me.

"Hhhmmpf," I tried to muffle my painful cry by biting my tongue. I didn't want to give either of my guardians the satisfaction of knowing how much that damn belt hurt.

Squeezing my jaw even tighter, his glare even more piercing, Mike's tone made me shiver, "You chose to break the rules, Julie." He cracked the belt against my bare backside. Tears welled in my eyes as I bit my tongue harder to prevent a sound from escaping my lips.

"You broke the rules of conduct set forth by the university." Another searing stroke of the belt from Mike. The tears leaked from my eyes.

"You broke the law," Mike growled, slapping the belt down on my sit spots. I stomped my foot and grunted in pain.

"Most importantly, darlin', you broke one of our rules. You know we don't tolerate underage drinking. We've had this discussion with you several times." Releasing his hold on my chin, Mike gestured to Shane. "And now you're going to accept the consequences."

Mike held me down with his right hand as he whipped the belt down repeatedly with his left. My tears and painful yelps flowed freely now as I struggled in vain to avoid getting spanked with that thick horrid strap my guardians so casually refer to as the spanking belt.

"Are you starting to see the error of your ways now, Julie?" Mike continued to layer stroke upon painful stroke on my naked buttocks.

"YES!" I practically screamed, just wanting this torture to end. Okay, I'm being a tad melodramatic but this spanking hurts like Hell.

"Obviously since you've been away at school, you've forgotten the proper way to respond during a punishment. Let's reiterate that lesson then. Shall we?" Mike tugged my pants and underwear further down my legs so he could focus on striping my thighs with the belt. After the third hit he asked, "Startin' to come back to..."

I interrupted, "Yes sir. I meant to say, yes sir, not just yes." Wiping my tears, I sadly whispered, "I haven't forgotten, Mike. I haven't forgotten."

"That's good to hear, Julie. Now tell me why you're in this position, bottom bared bent over my desk." Mike slapped my butt with the belt as he waited for me to respond.

"I I hhad al_alcohol in mmy d_dorm r_room," I stuttered, as my breath hitched. This is the hardest spanking I've received in a long time and I'm certainly feeling the effects of it.

"Five more, Julie, then I want you to stand and face us and apologize. Clear?"

"Yes sir," I replied humbly.

My bottom was so sore after Mike layed down five more stinging slaps. I gingerly pulled up my underwear but left my pants down. The thought of pulling them over my aching bum was just too painful to fathom. I wiped the tears from my eyes and turned to face my guardians. I rubbed my throbbing, beet red bottom as I apologized.

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