The only test I ever hoped to fail

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At University

Stacey's pov

It's been almost two months since Sean came to visit me at college. After the party, we hooked up that night and spent the rest of the weekend together, mostly hot and sweaty, rarely leaving my dorm room but we haven't seen each other since. We've texted and spoke on the phone a few times but we kinda just left things pretty much unsaid when he returned home. I honestly don't know if we're back together, or if that weekend was just an extended booty call. To be honest, I'm really not sure which option I'd prefer at this point.

I finally have my second semester routine down and everything's falling into place with classwork, term papers, studying, quizzes, and tests all getting completed on time with good results. I'm actually excited to call Dr. Curtis on Friday afternoons now with my weekly update, instead of dreading the conversation. It really makes me feel good when he tells me he's proud of me. For some reason I can't explain, I honestly crave his approval along with Shane's and Mike's as well. Maybe I have daddy issues. Who knows? It's not something I care to discuss with Dr. Evans though. Can somebody say awkward?

I guess I don't want to make a definitive decision about my relationship with Sean because I'm afraid if we put a label on it, it'll become an obstacle in my college path. Basically, it'll just fuck everything up. Ya know? Leaving our relationship undefined and unspoken keeps the status quo and I'm okay with that and I guess Sean is too. Sometimes it's just better to leave well enough alone.

After taking a shower, I went back to our shared bathroom to dry my hair. Ugghh! Heather's such a neat freak, she's always tidying up. Now where the Hell did she hide my hair dryer? As I'm fumbling through the cabinets under the sink, I knock a box of tampons onto the floor, spilling their contents. I sigh in exasperation and annoyance as I get on my hands and knees to pick them up. This task reminds me I was supposed to buy a box of pads like two weeks ago in anticipation of my monthly penalty for having two x chromosomes.

Wait a minute, has it really been that long? Getting up, I start counting the days in my head since my last monthly blood bath. Starting to panic if my math is correct, I rush into our room to look at the calendar on the wall. Momentarily I'm distracted by the hottie of the month on our Chippendales calendar as he is one fine specimen. Getting a grip on my hormones and setting my lewd fantasy aside for a more appropriate time, I begin to freak out.

I realize I'm not only late, but really late, like I don't even remember having my period last month. FUCK!!! I'm never more than two or three days off on my cycle. No, I must have just forgot when I had it last time. I mean there's no way I could've missed an entire cycle. Even though I haven't been on the pill since Sean and I broke up last year, my cycle has thankfully remained regular. This must just be a fluke. How the Hell did I not notice this sooner though?

SHIT!! How did this happen? Okay don't panic. A few deep breaths, relax and think. There has to be an explanation. I'm not on the pill but Sean and I used condoms that weekend every time. Didn't we? I mean, I don't recall much about the first time we did it that weekend after the Sigma Pi party 'cause I had way too much to drink but I'm sure he used a condom cuz I remember getting annoyed that he took so long fartin' around trying to find it.

Thinking back to that weekend, yeah, I know he did 'cause I remember him finally finding the right pocket and grabbing it out of his jeans that were already on the floor. Yeah, wait a minute, then when I woke him up that morning and wanted to do it again, he said we couldn't cuz he only had one condom with him since the rest were in his car. Oh thank God. I let out the breath I've been unconsciously holding.

I can't be pregnant. My cycle must just be messed up from being off the pill for so long, or stress, or that bout of stomach flu I just got over. Sighing, I think that must be it. Phew, that was close. I try to slow my breathing and my rapidly beating heart as I convince myself everything's ok.

"Hey, what's up?" Heather says, entering our room.

"Oh, nothin'," I say, trying to catch my breath.

"Ya sure? 'Cause you look a little flushed. Are you still not feeling good?" Heather asks.

"No, no, I'm fine. It's stupid really," I quietly laugh. "I just had a little freak out for a second, afraid I might be pregnant 'cause I'm late but it's ok now. I know Sean and I used condoms so it's all good," I say, with a little less confidence than I would like.

"Oh, speaking of condoms..." Heather says, walking over to her desk, "I found this under your bed when I was cleaning last week." She hands me a torn open condom wrapper.

"Uh, thanks I guess," I say hesitantly, giving her a look that says wtf. "but you didn't need to save the garbage for me. I didn't leave it on the floor on purpose. Ok?"

"No, dumbass," Heather says smirking, as she shakes her head. "The condom's still inside. I mean, I know the wrapper is open so it might not be good anymore but I thought you might want to save it as a backup in case you're ever in a pinch." Heather winked at me and chuckled.

Holding the wrapper in my hand, I see the condom ring and some latex poking out. My face immediately pales. I start to hyperventilate realizing what this means. My hand starts to shake. Please let this be an extra one that just fell out of his pocket at some point. As much as I genuinely want to believe that, my gut is telling me something else. No, it can't be. It can't. But what if it is?

"Stacey, are you okay?" Heather asks worriedly, upon noticing my reaction.

I look up at her wide-eyed and speechless. I hold up the condom wrapper as if that should explain everything.

Rushing to my side and gently helping me sit on my bed before I pass out, Heather asks frantically, "Stacey, what's wrong? You're starting to freak me out. TELL ME! PLEASE."

Looking her in the eye, my mouth still agape, I somehow manage to quietly stutter, "I think I, uh, might be pregnant."

"Are you fuckin' serious, Stacey? That's not funny." Heather's shook but nowhere near the level I'm at right now.

"We need to go get a pregnancy test, Heather, like right now," I say, grabbing my keys. I need to know for sure. There's no point speculating any further. I could easily drive myself crazy trying to guess.

Knowing I'm in no condition to get behind the wheel, Heather takes my keys out of my hand saying, "No, let me drive," as we rush out the door.

After the trip to the pharmacy

Stacey's pov

I feel bad I had to borrow money from Heather to buy the pregnancy test but I knew if I put it on my credit card, Shane would see the pharmacy charge on the statement and that could lead to several questions I'm not prepared to answer. Since Shane added me as an authorized user on his card, he gets the monthly statement and thankfully pays the bill. The rules are that I have to ask permission ahead of time whenever I want to use the card. I have to let Shane know what I'm buying, where I'm buying it, and how much it will cost. If I don't abide by his rules there is of course a penalty, a rather harsh one I might add. My hand instinctively travels down to protect my bottom.

I ripped open the box and read the directions three times before taking the test into our bathroom. For the first time in my life, I was praying to fail a test. After peeing on the stick, I set the timer on my phone for three minutes and sat next to Heather on her bed as she waited with me in agony. What the Hell am I going to do if I'm pregnant? I thought to myself. How could we have been so careless? Knowing how terrified I must be, Heather grabbed my hand and held it tightly in her own. Thankfully, she remained silent as we waited, instead of lying by saying something stupid like don't worry everything will be okay either way.

Suddenly shattering the tense silence, the timer on my phone went off, beeping at me mercilessly. I slowly stood up and walked into the bathroom. Picking up the stick I read the result.

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