Off the roof

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The girls' room at the NJC

Lisa's pov

Damn that hurt, and I didn't even get a chance to rub. I know he's quickly approaching his limits as his temper continues to flare. I tried to scoot myself closer to the edge of my bed to take some of the pressure off my burning hot thighs.

Mike slapped his belt into the palm of his right hand as he paced agitatedly in front of me.

"Explain to me why the police were called to the boy's residence, Lisa Michelle."

Mike stopped pacing and stood directly in front of me with his arms crossed as he glared daggers at me.

Looking down at my lap, I fiddled with my hands as I hesitantly responded, "Uh, I think Jason's older sister called the police when she came home cuz, uh..."

Whipping his belt down on the bed, narrowly missing my leg, he scared the crap out of me as I clutched my chest and jumped about a foot.

"The next time you fail to maintain eye contact while speaking to me, I can guarantee I won't miss. Understand?"

Gulping, I nervously and stupidly responded by nodding my head.

Mike gripped my chin so fast, he caught me mid-breath.

"I expect a proper answer now."

"Yef flir," I managed to speak my garbled response, since Mike was still tightly clutching my jaw.

Letting go of my chin, he stepped back and resumed his incredibly intimidating stance.

"Talk!" Mike made it very clear what he wanted with just that one word. He wanted the rest of the story and he wanted it now, by God.

He scares the shit out of me when he's like this, well me and everyone else.

I made sure to look him in the eye as I said, "She, uh, called the police cuz she thought..." I swallowed hard, trying to garner enough saliva to keep speaking. This was the point where things went terribly wrong last night. "Um, she thought someone had broken in cuz of the broken window." I immediately avoided the angry look I knew would be plastered on his face.

"How did the window break?" he barked forcefully.

"Uh, I think one of the chairs from their patio set might have broken it?" I asked, more than answered.

"And how did that happen, Lisa Michelle?"

I know Mike already knows the answer since he talked to Suzanne's dad. So why do I have to say it? Mike continued to glare at me with his belt in his hand. Oh yeah, I guess that's why.

"It may have fell off the roof."

Mike inhaled sharply upon hearing that.

"May have?"

"Ok, it probably did," I admitted, with a little more certainty and attitude.

"Why on earth was it on the roof in the first place, Lisa?"

"Cuz we thought it'd be a funny prank to put all their patio furniture on the roof," I said pretty matter-of-factly. The roof of their house was kinda flat on one side so we could arrange the furniture just like it was on their patio. What we didn't take into account, however, was the wind factor. The fact being a storm was rolling in and the wind gusts were really strong, strong enough to blow patio furniture off a roof apparently.

"I'm positive Jason, his parents, his sister, the police officer, and Suzanne's father would disagree as I'm sure they didn't find your prank to be the least bit amusing. I know I most certainly do not find anything about your misbehavior last night to be even remotely funny," Mike replied, in a less than congenial tone of voice. "You're going to work off your portion of the bill for the damages to Jason's house and car by completing kp duty for every breakfast, lunch, and dinner service until we leave on vacation. You'll also be grounded until then as well."

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