Senior ditch day

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One week later

The girls' room

Mike's pov

"I don't care if it's a tradition, you are not excused from attending school that day," I said sternly, standing before the girls with my arms crossed and a less than pleasant look on my face.

"Come on, Mike, it's one day and all the seniors are gonna ditch that day," Stacey whined.

"Back me up here, Admiral. Would you please?" I looked to Shane for some support.

"Not all the seniors, Stacey. I happen to know four who won't be participating in this ritual if they know what's good for them," Shane warned our girls.

"Didn't you guys skip on your senior ditch day?" Lisa asked, hoping to make a point and sway our opinion over to their side.

"First, we're not talking about Shane and I, we're talking about the four of you." I paced with my hands on my hips as I lectured. "Secondly, our youthful transgressions do not excuse any of you from consequences for your poor behavior." I gave them the strict paternal look, one eyebrow raised, lips pressed tightly into a thin scowl. "Lastly, just know that if you skip school that day, I will punish you regardless of the discipline you receive from your dean. Am I understood?"

"Ugghhh," Julie voiced her displeasure at my decree. "You guys are being ridiculous, it's no big deal." She flopped back on her bed and sighed loudly, apparently done listening.

"Come here, Julie." I pointed to the spot right in front of me. When Julie didn't move, I loudly mandated, "NOW!"

Slowly dragging herself off the bed, she whined, "What?"

I merely pointed to the spot in front of me, again.

Wisely recognizing my authority, Julie quit testing me, kept her mouth shut and complied with my directive. I not so gently gripped her chin, forcing her to look me in the eye, knowing she's never as brazen when she has to face me directly.

"You'd be wise to watch the words and tone you take with Shane and I, young lady." I narrowed my eyes at her before releasing my grip and harshly slapping the back of her right thigh, causing her to grimace. "Sit down!" I barked, pointing to her bed.

"Alright, jeez," Julie mumbled under her breath, as she turned and rubbed her thigh before returning to take a seat next to her cousin on her bed.

"It's not that deep, Mike, relax," Stacey chimed in her two cents, in defense of her cousin.

"You know what IS DEEP, young lady?" Shane weighed in to address Stacey's less than respectful comment. Having garnered her attention, he continued by answering his own question. "The sting and impression my Admiral's belt can leave on your delicate behind." Shane waited to see if Stacey would challenge him. Thankfully, she didn't.

"Look, Shane and I are done fencing with the four of you. This topic is not open for further discussion. Period. Our expectation is that you will attend school that day. If you choose not to, you will be disciplined accordingly." I stared our girls down. "Do you have anything to add, Shane?"

"No, not particularly." Before turning to leave, Shane said, "And to answer your question, Lisa. Yes, I did skip on my senior cut day and I was caned by both my father and the headmaster. I couldn't sit comfortably for two weeks. You'd be wise to remember that come Friday."

Stacey's pov

When Shane and Mike left, we got down to business.

"So what're our options for Friday?" I asked my cousin and sisters.

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