Livid yet calm

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Mike's room

Lisa's pov

Mike finally returned around 4pm.

"Where's Shane?" I asked, hoping he was coming soon so I wouldn't have to wait too much longer for them to deliver my beat down. I've been stuck here for over seven hours already with nothing to do but envision my impending doom and let me tell you, none of those images were pretty.

"He will deal with you tonight because frankly, he's much too upset right now." Mike set his wallet and keys on top of his dresser and slowly started undoing his tie. He tossed it on the bed, unbuttoned the top button of his dress shirt, took his suit coat off, hung it in his closet and then rolled up his sleeves. Finally, he turned to address me.

"If somebody had told me twelve years ago I'd live to see the day one of my daughters would be arrested, I would have laughed in their face. I would have said, not one of my kids. Not a chance. No way. Yet here we are, Lisa."

Mike honestly scared the crap out of me when he was like this. Livid yet calm.

"We try to give you more freedom and leeway to make your own decisions and this is what you do?" The vein on Mike's forehead was protruding noticeably, indicating just how angry he was already and he's just gettin' warmed up.

I remained silent and kept my head down, feeling it's currently my safest option. I can't believe Shane was too upset to deal with me. That makes me really nervous for bedtime tonight but it makes me really sad too. I know I disappointed him. I just hope I can make it up to him somehow.

"LISA!" Mike shouted to get my attention. "I want you to look at me."

I lifted my head to face him. Even though I'm scared, I'm not a coward.

"How many rules did you break, Lisa? How many?" Mike asked, as he paced the floor. "I want you to start listing them off." Mike squared his stance, crossed his arms over his chest, and glared at me awaiting my response.

"I don't know. I, uh, broke one or two of the curfew rules and uh, the no drinking rule." Mike was making me really nervous. "And I don't know what else, Mike."

"What the Hell were you doing at the park at 3am to begin with?" Mike rubbed the back of his neck and took a few slow breaths.

"We were just hangin' out. We didn't know about the fight when we went there." I picked at my chipped nail polish cuz I was still really nervous.

"You didn't leave when you found out about it either. Did you?"

"No sir." I don't like where this is going.

"Putting yourself in a dangerous situation."

He sorta phrased it like a question but I didn't know if I should answer him.

Mike looked at me with a scowl on his face.

"Go into my closet and get the spanking belt."

The way he said it was so matter of fact, like it was an everyday occurrence, so mundane you shouldn't give it a second thought. Words have meaning though and that sentence terrified me to my very core. There was nothing mundane about getting spanked with that belt. I stood up, swallowed hard, and willed my legs to move me towards his closet, despite knowing the outcome that simple act would bring.

When I stood frozen in place, Mike said, "Lisa Michelle, I don't know if you're trying my patience on purpose, or you honestly don't remember what I asked you to do and frankly I don't care, but if you're not standing in front of me with that belt in your hands in the next twenty seconds, I will make you regret the day you were born. NOW GO!"

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