When you feel stressed/anxious 2

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//Maknae line// 

(Please do not read if you're uncomfortable about this topic)


- There was nothing specific that was making you feel stressed, you were just overthinking 

- You and Hyunjin were in the dance studio, you were sitting at the back watching him

- You felt that familiar feeling in your chest and your eyes went watery

- He'd stop what he was doing to comfort you

- End up having you in his lap back hugging you because he knows that helps

- Kisses on the back of your neck whilst speaking softly 

- 'Should we watch a movie and cuddle?'


- You and Jisung know what it's like to feel stressed and anxious and you both know really well how to comfort each other

- You saw a Twitter hashtag about you that wasn't very nice and you told Jisung about it

- 'Y/n they're just bored, haters will say anything on the internet'

- He'd suggest going for a long walk together

- Buys you Ice-cream and always has one arm around you


- You feel guilty showing that you're stressed in front of Felix because his life as an idol gives him a lot of that already

- He'd realise easily if you felt stressed because you went quiet and would be as affectionate 

- You'd admit why you hide these feelings and he'd tell you to speak to him about it rather than feel guilty

- 'You have just as much of a right as I do to feel this way y/n, don't compare yourself to me like that okay?'

- He'd go super soft, if that was even possible 

- Hugs, hand-holding and kisses all over your face


- You had an exam coming up soon and it stressed you out so much

- It was difficult to eat or sleep

- Seungmin knew you were like this with exams so would always give you space to concentrate, bring you food and make sure he asks you to come to bed before its too late

- He'd agree with you when to have breaks so you can relax for a little bit

- If you didn't understand something he'd become your tutor 

- Although you found it hard to express how thankful you were, he knew how much it meant to you

- 'You can always ask me for help y/n'


- It was simple for Jeongin

- He knew that if you were stressed he could just come and give you lots of hugs to relieve it

- 'You won't escape my hugs!'

- He'd make sure he's wearing a soft hoodie so he's extra comfy 

- Lots of soft kisses to distract you

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