They help you calm your nerves 2

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//Maknae Line//


> He saw some photos circulate of you on Twitter

> They were nothing to worry about although he knew it scared you when you're alone and paparazzi caught photos of you

> He asked you about this and you admit it you got nervous going out by yourself

> He'd cup your cheeks with his hands softly and look into your eyes, then pull you in for a hug

> "I'm sorry, from now on I'll make sure I or one of the boys are with you, at least for now" 

> He felt a bit guilty knowing it was because of his idol status

> He'd protect you as much as he could from negative comments

> You felt safe with Hyunjin


> He knew very well what bad nerves felt like

> Therefore he knew exactly how you felt

> He could tell if you suddenly started breathing heavily or if your hands are slightly shaking and you became fidgety

> When in public he'll do something such as hold your hand or put his arm around you as a way of comfort

> And when you are back home away from everyone he would give you lots of hugs asking if you're okay

> "We will always help each other with this y/n, it's horrible if you go through it alone" 

> He was very understanding and knew how to calm you down


> It's as if Felix has superpowers, healing and happiness

> You admitted you feel a little nervous anticipating going through the airport the next day

> Rather than talking about it Felix always suggest something to do

> His bright happy energy always made you feel better

> He's like a ray of sunshine 

> "Guess what? Where going to make BROWNIES" 

> His laughs and smiles effortlessly made the day brighter

> But if some days you ever felt really bad, he'd talk to you to comfort you and gave you lots of hugs


> Sometimes you felt the burden of admitting when you don't feel 100%

>Knowing that Seungmin has a lot of stress a lot of schedules and little asleep

>You felt almost guilty about saying anything at all 

> "Something's wrong y/n, please talk to me" 

> You know this must have been showing obviously to him, so you told your feelings

> You had some tears falling down your cheeks as you finished letting it all out

> He pulled down on his sleeves and gently tapped the falling tears away from your cheeks

> He told you from now on to tell him everything that's on your mind


> When he can see you nervous he doesn't always know what to do

>He will try to do things subtly such as my buying ice cream or asking you to go watch a movie

> He was getting a little worried that will make you feel worse if you were to ask you how you ar

> But since he could tell it was really getting to you he decided to tell you how he gets through it himself

> "I'm not saying this will work for you y/n, but I'm always here if you need" 

> You took on his advice and tried to worry little less in the future

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