Getting their new album 1

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//Hyung Line//  


> You bought it for yourself as soon as you saw it in store

> He comes come to you listening to the CD 

> Blushes when you show him one of his photobook photos

> "Wait they used that one?!?!?" 

> Finds it so cute when you're looking through the photos of the younger members

> But pulls a face when you show him one of his photos 


> Asks you what photo cards you pulled

> You got I.N so he snatched it off you and scoffs 

> "Our maknae is cute but this card isn't good enough for you"

> Would jokingly complain that you didn't pull anything of his

> He would take it all off you and say you need to get a refund since you didn't get his cards

> You'll have to fight him to get your photocard back XD


> He'd want to look through it all with you and see what you think

> Found it funny when you tried to hide the cards from yourself to not spoil who you got

> "Fans really do that? Just look who you got!"

> You pull his photo card and you both celebrate 

> He'd get shy when you say he looked handsome and that the concept suits him well

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