When they're upset 2

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When they're upset after making a mistake on stage

//Maknae line//


> His microphone stopped working 

> You were watching on a screen backstage and your heart started racing because you know it will upset him

> Jisung noticed and rapped his lines so the mistake was covered very well

> Although of course this isn't Hyunjins fault, he walked backstage really fast and pulled the wires/mic pack off himself really fast and put them on a table quite hard

> You see exhale and comb his hands through his hair whilst approaching him 

> First thing you do is hug him and say he did really well and it wasn't very noticeable thanks to Jisung reacting in time

> "I know but I wanted it to be perfect y/n-"


 > He had forgotten there was a dance break so out of habit went to stand in the original versions position but realised his mistake right away

> Watching him performing, he only hesitated for a few seconds and got right back into it 

> It didn't show up on the recording because the camera was on another member at that point

> He came  straight to you after the performance to release his frustration but before he could you told him to not worry about it because the camera didn't pick it up

> He was relieved but still upset about it

> "We practised this so many times I don't get why I went to do the original dance"

>  He'd sit against a wall frustrated with himself so you told the members when they asked what was wrong with him

> They started saying 'you did well' in aegyo voices so he would laugh 


> Straykids were doing a special performance which included some difficult moves

> Felix on performance day had a little fall which was all on camera

> When you go to find him backstage he was crying :(

> You hint to Chan to come with you to comfort him together

> "I'm so sorry hyung, I didn't do well"

> It broke your heart to see him like that 

> After Chan spoke with him you brought him a drink and sat next to him to say how proud you are of him for getting up and carrying on 

> He was feeling pretty down for the rest of the day so you suggest going for a walk to get ice cream, which did the trick in getting him to feel better!


> He had a high note that he practised on a lot

> When that part came in the performance he for some reason used his falsetto voice instead which softened the note 

> When you saw him after he had watery eyes 

> "I could do it yesterday y/n but today I hesitated, I wanted to show stay I could do it..."

> What annoyed him the most was that he knew he could do it but hesitated at the moment

> You spoke to him a lot, saying his performance was amazing anyway and that he has many more opportunities to show off his singing range to stays

> Felt a little better after he got good feedback and told himself he will work harder for next time


> His voice cracked, it was very obvious too :(

> You could see the members comforting him whilst walking backstage 

> Without hesitation, you wrapped your arms around him saying it's okay

> The other members were around you patting him on the back praising him 

> None of you wanted to see him cry so you did all  in your power to cheer him up

> He kept saying "I'm so sorry" 

> You'd all start saying ridiculous things to make him feel better

>  Jisung shouts 'It's the microphone's fault!'  

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