When you've spent all day studying 1

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//Hyung Line//


> You were studying when Chan woke up and left the dorm

> And there you were in the same place when he returned late at night

> You knew he was back but you were so concentrated on what you were doing so you didn't talk to him right away

> All you could hear behind you was a quiet sigh and the sound of some bags being put on the floor 

> Next a pair of arms slowly engulf you in a hug, his chin resting on your shoulder

> "It's late. Come on, you've worked all day, let's go to bed"

> He doesn't need to ask you twice, neither of you can hide how tired you were


>  You went to the dance studio with Minho 

> Instead of watching him like usual, you pull some books and stationery out of your bag and sat at the back of the room

> When he asked you to look for a second you'd lift your head a give him a quick smile and look straight back down

> He's used to bigger reactions from you 

> You hear footsteps and see his shoes in front of you when you don't move your gaze he kneels down to your eye level

> "You really need to study so much that you won't watch me?! Well if it's so important I guess I should just take videos for you to watch later!"

> Will occasionally whine as a joke but won't make you feel bad for it


> He doesn't like it when you study all day because you don't look after yourself properly 

> So he'd check up on you, bring a drink, meals, snacks, a cushion for your back from sitting so much and even tell you when to take a short break

> It'll make him worried when you deny something because he knows that means you're feeling stressed

> So if you do say 'no thanks' to something, it's his rule that you have to stand up and give him a hug and kiss as punishment (although he definitely enjoys it) 

> When it's been a long day for you he'll give you lots of love to help you relax

> "You're done for today, you did so well! Let's cuddle now and forget about it"

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