There's something behind you... 1

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- Chan knows this joke far too well

- It has been repeated over and over again during his livestreams and always had a good comeback

- You were eating lunch opposite him in a comfortable silence

- You thought you should try get him, in honour of the entire stay fandom

- With a serious expression you speak up, "Hey Chan what's that behind you?"

- Without hesitation he turns his head. He knew what he did and slowly turned back towards you with a defeated grin

- "I thought I'd escaped this behaviour whilst eating my lunch y/n" he says playfully

- You couldn't help but trying hard to hold back laugher with food in your mouth


- You'd think Minho would be immune to silly jokes like this. But that was very wrong

- Even though you joke around a lot together, he will always help you in any circumstance. So sometimes the mood can change in a second

- Since it close to Halloween, its a good time to try scare him, just a little

- You found a Halloween mask of a clown, albeit quite a goofy looking one rather than scary

- You were sat together with the TV on, it was something light hearted

- Keeping the mask hidden under a pillow, you put your game face on, looking behind Minho's face, "I think there's something behind you"

- He responded instantly, looking over his shoulder for a good few seconds

- This gave you the precious few seconds needed to hold the mast over the face and-


- Amid the panic he threw a pillow in your face

- The pouted and dramatically walked away and you chased after him to apologise


- "There's something behind you" you say casually

- "Ha, nice try y/n" he says not even taking his eyes off his phone

- "No seriously, there's something behind you"

- "I'm not falling for it" he continues in the same blunt manner

- You took a picture in his direction, he knew you took it but didn't react purposfully

- You sent him the photo and his eyes widened a little

- Jisung was behind him, and still was

- Changbin smirked a little and out loud said "Yeah, a horrible looking monster"

- A play fight erupted between the three of you


- You were having a sleepover

- The evening was actually nice and calm until you decided to break the equilibrium

- Although it was dark out, neither of you had closed the window curtains yet

- Breaking the silence, you make up a little act of looking scared past him to the direction of the window

- He looks at you, fear in his eyes "What is it?"

- Neither of you move, you keep looking toward the window

- "There's something behind you" you say quietly

- "Tell me you're joking y/n" he says stood still

- You start laughing, "Yeah, I'm joking"

- "WHY WOULD YOU-" he starts scolding you for scaring him

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