He Asks You On A Date

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Charlie Dalton: You were sitting outside of your school on a Saturday morning. You often liked to sit outside when it was sunny, a good book in hand and the sounds of birds chirping. "(Y/n)!" A voice said catching your attention as you looked up and saw Charlie Dalton walking your way. "What are you doing here?" You asked as you closed your book and looked at him. "Wanted to come and say hello." He said shrugging sitting next to you. "If you're found you'll get in trouble." You whispered as he shrugged unbothered. "When am I not in trouble?" He asked smirking at you as you rolled your eyes. "Shut up Charlie. What do you want?" You asked as he smiled and poked your cheek. "Say yes." He simply said as you raised your eyebrow. "Why?" You asked as he rolled his eyes. "Just say yes." You hesitated, "Okay, yes." You said as he smiled, he stood up and looked at you. "I'll pick you up around 2pm tomorrow, front of your school." He smiled before running off you sat there dumbfounded.

Gerard Pitts: You were helping Pitts do a chemistry assignment, but it seemed like he couldn't retain any information. "Pitts, you alright?" You asked setting your pencil down looking him in the eyes. "Huh? What?" He stammered blushing red, you giggled. "You won't stop staring, it's like I've lost you." You laughed as he chuckled. "I was just, thinking..." He mumbled as you looked at him waiting for him to finish his sentence. "Want to go on a date? It's okay if you don't." He blushed deeper now as you smiled widely. "Yeah, I'd love to." You smiled as he smiled back. "Great! I'll pick you up at around 3pm on Saturday."

Knox Overstreet: It seemed to him the closer he got to you the more his heart would skip beats, his cheeks would flush red. Whenever you were around he'd began to stutter fidget with his hands a bit. "Hey, (Y/n)." He said while you two were sitting outside your house. He sneaked out again to go see you, surprisingly. "What's up Knox?" You asked looking at him as his face turned a bright pink. "Um, carpe diem." He mumbled as you raised your eyebrow staring at him confused. "Want to go on a date with me?" He asked staring at you, "A date?" You asked and he nodded. "With me?" You asked again as he nodded again chuckling a bit. "Oh, alright. Yeah I'll go on a date with you." You smiled as he brought you in for a hug.

Neil Perry: Rehearsal went will as you and Neil began to walk to his school, coincidentally you went to the girls academy that was a fee minutes away from his. "Hey, (Y/n)." He said once you two reached the entrance to his school. "What's up?" You asked as he took in a deep breath and looked you in the eyes a smile spreading across his face. "Want to go on a date with me?" He asked as your face heated up. "Oh, sure! Yeah, I's love to go on a date with you." You smiled bringing him in for a hug as he hugged you back smiling.

Steven Meeks: It was a long day at school as you settled your books down on the table in the Library. You had gotten permission to stay after hours at the Library (your dad knew the Headmaster). "(Y/n)?" A familiar voice whispered walking up to you and sitting across from you. "Meeks, hi." You smiled as he smiled back. "Got permission to stay after hours." You smiled holding your pencil, "What are you doing here?" You asked as Meeks cleared his throat. "Oh, I wanted to ask you something. I wasn't following you or anything..." He mumbled blushing. "Oh, what's up?" You chuckled as he once again cleared his throat. "I wanted to know, it's alright you see if you say no. But, want to go on a date?" He asked giving you a shy smile as you chuckled and nodded your head. "I would love to go on a date with you." You smiled hugging him.

Todd Anderson: Neil and you walked together talking about school and talking about your burning hatred of your dad. "(Y/n)! Neil!" Todd smiled running to you two. You waved as Neil smirked. "Todd, what's up?" He asked as Todd stood in front if you two. "Oh, I was just going to ask your sister something." He blushed as Neil suspiciously looked at him then to you. "Alright, I'll be in the Library if you need me (Y/n/n)." Neil smiled smiling and walking towards the building. "What's up Todd?" You asked as he tensed up and nervously looked at the floor. "Oh, well, you see." He stuttered still looking at the floor. "Carpe diem, carpe diem." He mumbled as he took in a deep breath. "Want to go on a date with me?" He asked as your eyes widened. "Oh! Sure! I would love to go on a date with you Todd!" You shouted hugging him giggling.

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