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You shielded Sally's eyes as you carried her to the mansion. Toby and X-Virus carried her corpse.

"So, do we bury it on the property?" X said.

"Yes," you said.

"How do you know so much?" Sally asked.

"We'll ask Slenderman when we get home."

She nodded. "Alright."

"Ya know, for a killer, you're really kind," X said.

"Pft, I'm not," you said with a chuckle. "I'm just not a dick. There's a difference."

"Is there?" He said.

Once we got to the mansion, you carried Sally inside. Masky and hoodie were in the living room, hooking up the new tv.

"Hi boys," you said with a yawn. "Is Slendy back?"

"Can't you sense him with your freaky powers?" Masky said.

"I'm sleepy," you said with a sigh.

"And covered in blood. Go take a shower, nasty," Masky said.

"I've gotta handle this first, you ass," you said.

Hoodie simply waved you off, probably agreeing that you definitely need a shower.

"Rude," you said before you walked up the staircase, towards Slenderman's office. You pushed the door open. "Good, you're here."

"Hello, Kuroai. Who is this child you've brought?"

"She's a ghost that was tied to a local park, so I brought her here."

"Her body and all?"

"Toby and X did that part. Slendy, why can I tough ghosts? And how do I know things I've never really known, or thought about before?"

One of the tendrils emerged from his back and he lifted Sally up. "Because, I've given you some of my power. Well, more like a imitation of mine, but not quite."

"Not quite?"

"You obviously don't have the full extent of my power, or you'd look like my brothers and I. You do have a substantial amount, though."

"I see. So are tentacles gonna shoot out my back and-!"

"No," Slenderman said with a sigh. "You'll be surprised by the things you can do though."

"What can I do then?"

"I can't say for sure. As I said, your power is different from mine, and how it develops is solely based on you."

"I see," you said. "What are you gonna do with her?"

"Well, I have to make sure the others can see her," he said before he touched her forehead. There was a bright light, then it went away. "She'll be more... solid, now. The others will be able to see her, unless she decides to hide herself."

"That's amazing!" I said.

Sally was silent the entire time, just staring at Slenderman.

"Are you afraid, child?" he said.

She shook her head. "N-no."

"Good. Kuroai, escort her to a vacant room."

"Yes boss man!" You said with a solute, before you and Sally left the room.


Toby clicked his tongue. "Fuck off-"

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