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Tw!! Mentions of unwanted touching (not full out rape but it could be triggering)

"Alexithymia," Slenderman muttered to himself as he leaned back in his huge chair, scribbling down notes. "A subclinical phenomenon involving a lack of emotional awareness or, more specifically, difficulty in identifying and describing feelings. Seems to be a common theme among them."

"I'm here!" you exclaimed as you walked into the office.

"You're supposed to knock," he said.

"Sorry, boss. Next time!"

"You said that last time." He sighed. "Anyways, I have a short mission for you. I just need someone gone."

You grinned. "Hell yeah. Who and Where?"

"He is a comrade of Zalgo's," he started. "A normal human, though. I don't know how he's connected to Zalgo, but I want him gone."

"Ah, you want me to do it. Maybe Zalgo will give up on his obsession over little ol' me."

"Three more gifts have been sent to the mansion since then," Slenderman said. "I'm worried. I didn't even want to send you out, but you're the only proxy still around."

"THE Slenderman is worries about me? Paint me surprised."

"Now isn't the time for your jokes, Kuroai. Finish this as fast as possible."

You nodded. "Yes sir!"

"If you don't make it back in one piece, there will be consequences."

"Oh nooo~" You said dramatically as you left his office.

"Where the hell do you think you're going?" Masky said as he emerged from the forest.

"Killing!" You exclaimed with a grin before you disappeared.

Okay so maybe this was a reckless move. You just appeared right in your victims house. No prep. No stalking. Nothing.

Luckily for you, the living room was empty. You stalked up the stairs and pulled out your knife. He was in the master bedroom, just reading a book. You blinked.

He was.. old. Like 90 and frail. What the hell would Zalgo want with him?

You threw your knife, and it landed in his forehead.

"You've been visited by Kuroai~" You said.

"Lucky me then. I was hoping you showed up."

You froze, then whipped your head around. Zalgo towered over you, staring down at you with lust filled eyes.

"Hello, Kuroai~" He said.

"Zalgo," you hissed. "Fuck do you want."

"Haven't you been getting my gifts? I'm trying to court you." He reached out and gently caressed your cheek, and you slapped his hand away. There was a overwhelming feeling of fear growing inside you, but why? You've never been scared of this fucker before, so what's different now?

He paused before he grabbed your wrist with one hand, and your chin with another. "That's no way to treat me," he growled.

You glared at him. "Fuck off you suck ba-" His hand on your chin slid to your throat, and you paused. He pulled you close and literally shoved his tongue down your throat. You struggled, and bit down on it so hard that it started to bleed.

"Ah! Damn, I like it rough~"

Loud static filled the room, and Zalgo winced. "Aw~ You have powers now. That's nothing compared to mine, though." Zalgo's hand trailed up your shirt. Your heart almost beat out of your chest.

"Get off me!" You screeched and gave him a hard kick to the chest. He went flying backwards and slammed against the dresser, ripping a piece of your shirt in the process.


Then, you were gone.

You appeared in the woods near the mansion and let out a sob-like noise. You weren't crying, but you felt... disgusted. No... maybe scared? You couldn't quite figure out how you were feeling. There was an uneasiness in the pit of your stomach, and your hands shook.

If it wasn't for the powers Slenderman gave you then... Well, maybe you shouldn't think about that.

After a few minutes of walking, you walked into the mansion. All of the proxies were gathered in the living room, just relaxing.

"Nice to see you back on one piece," Masky said, then he looked at you.

"What happened?" Toby said as he jumped up from his seat. Your hands literally shook.

"Uh, nothing," you muttered.

"Doesn't look like nothing." Toby grabbed your hands. "You don't feel cold. Why are you trembling?"

"What happened to your shirt?" Masky said.

"I said nothing," you snapped. "I've gotta go report to Slendy." You pushed past Toby and walked up the long staircase.

You gently knocked on the door to his office before you walked inside. He didn't even let you speak before loud static filled the house, bursting the windows.

The proxies ran into the office. "What's going on?" Masky said.

"Kuroai," Slenderman said. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," you said. "Calm down. Now we need new windows."

"What happened?" Toby said.

Hoodie put his hand on your shoulder.

"Did something go wrong?" X said.

"You're all dismissed," Slendy said.

All the guys left the room.

"Slendy I-"

"You can't go out on anymore missions without at least one other proxy with you, understand?"

"Yeah," you said. "I'm sorry-"

"Why are you sorry?"

"I don't know," you muttered. "I don't understand how I'm feeling I-"

"It's okay," he said.

You sighed.

"I'm going to tell them."

"Do as you please, boss."


"WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY ANYTHING?!" Masky snapped.

You shrugged.

"You could've been hurt!" Toby said.

"All that matters is that she's fine now," X said.

Hoodie rubbed your shoulder in a comforting way.

"What are you idiots yelling about?" Dina said. "Oh! Goddess, you're back!"

"Please, just call me _____."

"I refuse."

You sighed. 

Killers Have Feelings Tooजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें