"Something's wrong," Masky said as he watched you walk towards the mansion, blood dripping from your hands.

"Very wrong," Toby said.

Hoodie nodded in agreement.

"How was the mission?" X said.

"It was amazing!" You chirped with a sadistic smile.

"Uh, really?" Masky said. "You kinda look like you went over the top there."

"It's been my first time killing in a while, relax," you said.

"Something is off," Toby whispered.

"Off about what?" You said, appearing behind him.

"Aw, shit!" Masky exclaimed in shock. X and Hoodie stared at you. Your eyes looked dead.

"Uh- uh-" Toby stuttered, then he slammed his hand over his mask.

"Another tic?" You said, tilting your head. Then, your smile fell. A dangerous aura radiated from you. "Don't let it happen again." Then, you disappeared.

"Holy shit," Toby choked out once you disappeared. "I've never been so..."

"Afraid?" X said. "Something is definitely wrong."


You hummed and brushed Sally's hair.

"I want pigtails please!" Sally said.

"Again?" you chuckled.

"It's such a cute look!" She chirped. "Too bad they go away when I become a ghost again."

You brushed half of her hair into a ponytail and tied a hair tie around it.

"Hey, ___?" Sally said as you did the same to the other half.

"Hm?" You said.

"Are you okay?" Sally said. "You seem different."

"I'm fine," you said. You pulled out pink ribbons and tied them around her pigtails.

"I was there ya know," she whispered. "When Slenderman changed your memories. You looked so sad, then," she paused. "You changed. I don't like the change," she muttered sadly.

"I'm fine, Sally," you said. Her eyes widened at the sudden dangerous aura radiating from you.

"__-____," she squeaked out. "I'm afraid."

"Don't be," you said, smoothing down the hair around her pigtails. "Everything is fine." You sighed and laid your head against hers. In her solid form, she smelled like dirt. "It's okay."

"You think you're not normal too, don't you?" She said. "Just get your memories back and-"

"No," you snapped. "I did it for a reason. Whatever I was feeling was too much for me, so it's better that I don't remember. I'll be my old self again soon, okay?"


"It did what?!" Masky snapped.

"Took her memories apparently," X said. "Sally told me she saw. ____ hasn't been the same since."

"Why would she want that?" Masky said.

"Because you hurt her feelings," Toby said while rolling his eyes.

"Not necessarily," X said. "Sally said she wanted to forget about how bad she was feeling. I don't think it was just one person's fault."

"Well, if we get her memories back, maybe she'll be herself again!" Toby said.

"Is that really a good idea, though?" X said.

"Anything is better than this," he said. "She's," he paused. "Not okay like this. I'd rather her hate me forever for hurting her feelings than be like this."

Hoodie nodded. "The old ___ was better."

"Is it even possible to return her memories?" X said. "What affects would that have on her? There's too many uncertainties."

"I could kiss her," Toby said.

"WHAT?!" Masky exclaimed. "ABSOLUTELY NOT!"

"Well, I have before," he said.

"You kissed her," Masky seethed.

"Maybe now isn't the time for-"

Masky pulled out a knife and tackled Toby.

X sighed and Hoodie shook his head. 

Killers Have Feelings TooWhere stories live. Discover now